Mass Actions block

Blocks ::: block_massaction
Maintained by Matthew Davidson
This block allows instructors to perform actions upon multiple resources or activities, rather than having to perform repeated actions on individual items.
Latest release:
2107 sites
83 fans
Current versions available: 10

This block allows instructors to perform actions upon multiple resources or activities, rather than having to perform repeated actions on individual items.

To use this block, Javascript must be enabled in your browse and you must be in editing mode in the course home page. The user must have capability "block/massaction:use". The block should work in most course formats.

Supported actions include mass selection, indentation, deletion, hiding, showing, making available, duplicating, and moving. To select items to perform actions on, simply click the checkbox next to the activity or resource or use select functionality from the block.  Then click the action you would like to perform in the block.

If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please use the bug tracker URL and I will work on those as quickly as possible.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Matthew Davidson (Lead maintainer)
Huy Hoang: Original maintainer
Jon Marthaler: Former developer
Dominic Hanzely: Former developer
Clem Smith: Previous maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Jean-Roch Meurisse
    Tū, 20 Hui 2018, 8:20 PM
    I think the problem comes for courses with many activities. The array is imploded into a string and when this string reaches over 1024 characters, it throws a debugging error message (line 1025 in lib/outputrequirementslib.php). Since it's a debugging message, it won't show on a production platform
  • Clem Smith
    Tū, 20 Hui 2018, 9:28 PM
    I will investigate this issue, Jean-Roch Meurisse. I won't have time to look at this until the weekend, at the earliest. It'll probably be some time in March before this is fixed. I'll get it done as soon as I can, though.
  • John Provasnik at Moodle Moot US
    Mer, 6 Pae 2018, 2:29 AM
    Hi. I'm having an off and on issue in Moodle 3.4.6 that when I'm mass deleting a few times (i.e. 4 quizzes), I get an error. These quizzes are using questions from a Course-Level shared question bank. Instead of deleting I get an error that says Invalid Moodle ID: {$a} - Any thoughts on what could cause that? Normally people ask for any Debugging Mode information but I'm on a Hosted Moodle.
  • Harold Yung
    Tū, 24 Pae 2018, 3:28 PM
    I have a small question. I installed v5.1.3 on my Moodle 3.3 and now I want to upgrade my Moodle to 3.4. However, I download v5.1.2 which is for Moodle 3.4 but Moodle doesn't let me to upgrade version with message "Default exception handler: Cannot downgrade block_massaction from 2018013000 to 2017122700. Debug:". I would like to ask if can I use v5.1.3 on Moodle 3.4? Thanks!
  • Clem Smith
    Tū, 24 Pae 2018, 9:19 PM

    I apologize. That was an oversight on my part and has now been corrected.
  • Harold Yung
    Apa, 25 Pae 2018, 10:19 AM
    Thank you very much for your quick response and update. It works very well on the upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4 now! smile
  • Nelson Bartley
    Par, 10 Hara 2018, 12:09 PM
    Is there any chance this could be made compatible with when they are collapsed? When everything is opened it works fine, but when a section containing an item is closed it no longer works at all.
  • Clem Smith
    Par, 10 Hara 2018, 9:10 PM
    Mr. Bartley,

    Currently, the plugin relies upon using the HTML DOM to discover the modules that are in the course. When your flex sections are collapsed, there are no modules in them for the plugin to discover. This is why it currently does not work with collapsed flex sections. That said, I am expecting to be able to spend time either later this month or in June working on refactoring the plugin to work much better and to be less reliant on the DOM. I'm going to private message you to discuss this further.

  • Nelson Bartley
    Tū, 15 Hara 2018, 6:49 PM
    I get that it wouldn't be able to find the things in the collapsed sections, but is there a reason it won't work with the items that are there though?
  • Clem Smith
    Tū, 15 Hara 2018, 8:08 PM
    The only reason it wouldn't work is if there is a javascript error on the page. I've tested it with that course format in our Moodle installations and it works. So the only thing I can think of is that there is something on the page throwing a javascript error, which would prevent anything else relying on javascript from executing.
  • Conn Warwicker
    Tū, 7 Here 2018, 9:43 PM
    Any plans on supporting 3.5? There are javascript errors which stop it working at the moment.
  • Debbie Unterseher
    Apa, 8 Here 2018, 3:22 AM
    It works for me on 3.5. What errors do you get?
  • Sal Iacono
    Par, 16 Here 2018, 3:36 AM
    Doesn't seem to work for me in 3.5 either. Could be me since I just recently upgraded to 3.5. I just installed mass actions, added block to course, but the block doesn't see any of the topics. Pull down is essentially blank. There are checkboxes in Topic zero but even if I click on them and select an action, nothing happens. If I click on 'select all', nothing gets selected. I don't see anything to suggest there are errors of any kind but it is clearly not working
  • Sal Iacono
    Tū, 21 Here 2018, 3:21 AM
    Nevermind... it is magically working now... (I'm so happy)
  • Sal Iacono
    Tū, 21 Here 2018, 3:26 AM
    OK... now there is weirdness I can't understand... so far it is working in 4 of my courses but I have one where it won't work. It is doing exactly as I described in my Aug 15 comment...???
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