
Blocks ::: block_login_logout
Maintained by Luis De Sousa
Block to login and logout moodle
Latest release:
60 sites
10 fans
Current versions available: 2

According to Arthur Andersen, "ease of use"/navigation is the first reason (74%) what makes a person want to come back after to use a website. User should easily find options for login and logout a website. Most sites use the same module to enter and exit. Login block of moodle dissapears after user is logged.

I built a block that provides login and logout options. It has two views: first is like to standard login block and changes to the second view when user is logged, showing the following information:

•Greeting: Good Morning, Good Afternoon or Good Evening is displayed in block header. It is shown according to user's timezone.
•User full Name: linked to user's profile.
•User's image: linked to user's profile.
•Logout Button: click to exit moodle.
•Update Profile: linked to user data in advanced edit mode.
•Last login: shows date and time of the last user login.

How to install

• Download and unzip login_logout.zip file
• Copy login_logout folder to /blocks folder of your moodle installation
• Login as Administrator, if plugin check page is displayed, click upgrade button, otherwise go to Notifications page.
• Click on "Turn editing on"
• Add "Login/Logout" block in your frontpage (if standard login block is added, remove it). It can be added in others moodle areas too (mymoodle, courses, etc.)
• Select a good position for your new block and move it
• It has two language files: english and spanish. Other language users can make a copy of the folder /login_logout/lang/en, rename it and translate strings in the file block_login_logout.php

That's all.  Enjoy!

Luis De Sousa
IMYCA - Facultad de Ingeniería
Universidad de Carabobo  Venezuela


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Luis De Sousa (Lead maintainer)
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  • esther sack
    Sat, 13 July 2013, 4:10 AM
    Estoy instalando este bloque, que por cierto me parece genial! pero me da este error: No se ha podido instalar el plugin "block_login_logout" (2012042819). Necesita una nueva versión de Moodle (actualmente usted está usando 2011033009.03, necesita 2011120100). que puedo hacer para solucionarlo?? no puedo actualizar la versión de moodle por un tema del servidor donde se encuentra alojado.... Gracias!
  • Carlos Mardones Espinosa
    Mon, 2 Sept 2013, 6:22 PM
    Al instalarlo en moodle 2.4 funciona bien, solo que a la hora de que un estudiante intenta editar sus datos mediante el link de este block, aparece "Lo sentimos, pero por el momento no tiene permiso para hacer eso (Actualizar perfiles de usuario)"
    Cómo podré solucionar eso?

  • islams pedia
    Wed, 23 Nov 2016, 6:07 AM
    I found a problim
    get_user_timezone_offset() can not be used any more, please use standard PHP DateTimeZone class instead
  • Anderson Hsu
    Sun, 22 Oct 2017, 8:26 PM
    Dear partners,
    I user moodle 2.8 version in centos6.6. How can we setup username textbox to get cursor focus on user first load moodle page ? Thanks a lot.
  • Anderson Hsu
    Wed, 25 Oct 2017, 10:39 PM
    We wish as shown as the link : when moodle login block load . Thanks a lot.
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