
Blocks ::: block_linkedin
Maintained by Bas Brands
Part of set Linkedin.
This is the block that must be used in combination with the LinkedIn Auth plugin
Latest release:
27 sites
6 fans
Current versions available: 2

Linkedin Oauth 2.0 Authentication Plugin

This plugin is build by: Bas Brands

Developed for BrightAlley

This linkedin block has been created based on the code written by Mahmud Ahsan:

Using Moodle OAuth examples by Jerome Mouneyrac:

The linkedin auth plugin
A Linked in Account
A Linked in integration Key / Secret
Some custom code in your theme or the linkedin block

What it does (using the linkedin block):
When installed correctly a user can log in using their linked in account.

  • The user clicks the login with linkedin button
  • A popup opens that redirects to the linkedin page asking for your linkedin username/pass and your
  • approval to give moodle access to your profile. If the user was already logged into linkedin in some
  • other browsers window the popup only asks permission to login using linkedin
  • When the users finishes the linked in auth the Moodle page reloads and redirects the user the a form
  • asking for the users email.
  • When finished the users is logged into Moodle and profile information is shown in the linkedin block.

Profile info retreived from LinkedIn:

  • firstname, lastname
  • current job
  • country
  • city
  • profile picture

LinkedIn auth plugin installation instructions

  • Add the auth plugin to /auth/linkedin
  • In Moodle go to the plugins page for authentication and enable linkedin
  • visit and click Add New Application.
  • Enter your Moodle website details, most important field: Integration URL, use the wwwroot of your Moodle installation
  • Once received from LinkedIn Enter you key / secret to the LinkedIn authentication plugin settings page in Moodle

Install the Linkedin block

  • Install the linkedin block
  • Go to the Siteadmin -> notifications to install the block
  • Add the block to the moodle frontpage


Screenshot #0


Bas Brands (Lead maintainer)
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  • Yes, that's me
    Mon, 25 June 2012, 1:51 PM
    Hi Bas,

    thank you for the nice plugin (auth+block). It works perfect!

    Do you know how it would be possible to show the linkedin login alternative on the login page? If it would be easily possible to copy some code from the block and put it into the /login/index.php page , this would help me a lot. Thanks for all your effort!

  • Amir Elion
    Thu, 3 Jan 2013, 5:26 AM
    Really great plugin with Auth as well.
    A few issues though with LinkedIn block (or Auth plugin?)

    1. User gets a new window opened and is not closed after login and authorization to LinkedIn (may be related to miising email field - see below)
    2. Email value is not drawn from LinkedIn to user profile and they are requested to type it in
    3. Country value is put in city field on user profiel
    4. Country code is not in capital letters therefore is missing in user profile (e.g. de instead of DE)

  • sunil kumar
    Tue, 14 May 2013, 4:01 PM
    How to add the linkedin block on the frontpage i.e. on login page?
  • Bas Brands
    Sun, 30 June 2013, 1:32 PM
    News for this plugin,

    After July 15th LinkedIn will provide email addresses too. This should make this plugin work lots easier. It will need some re-writing though
  • Moisés Hernández
    Tue, 4 Feb 2014, 4:31 PM
    What i have to do to install the linkedin auth plugin?
    I don't have any idea about where i have to put the block_linkedin plugin, is there on /public_html/auth/linkedin or directly on /public_html/auth?
    Greeting, moises.
  • Bert van der Hooft
    Sat, 5 July 2014, 5:05 PM

    First of all do note that your linkedin plugin is really adding value!

    Secondly: I'm using the 2.5 verison in Moodle 2.6. All is working fine, but one thing: on first login the popup will not close; is ask for updating the account profile. After pushing this button , the pop will not close but show the site in the small popup field (tested on safari and chrome).

    What to do?

    Best regards

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