
Blocks ::: block_heatmap
Maintained by My mugMichael de Raadt
The Heatmap block overlays a heatmap onto a course to highlight activities with more or less activity to help teachers improve their courses.
Latest release:
469 sites
56 fans
Current versions available: 1

The Heatmap block overlays a heatmap onto a course to highlight activities with more or less activity to help teachers improve their courses.

  • Counts of visits and unique users to each activity is also shown.
  • The Heatmap can be toggled off when it is not needed.

The plugin is inspired by the Moodle Activity Viewer and uses similar queries to the Activity report.

Please report bugs/improvement suggestions here in the Moodle Tracker.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


My mug
Michael de Raadt (Lead maintainer)
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  • Ziyad Muslat
    Wed, 7 Dec 2016, 12:43 AM
    Hi Michael,
    It is indeed a very useful block. I was wondering if you could also make it include resources as well. It would be very helpful for teachers and course designers in optimizing the course resources.
  • My mug
    Wed, 7 Dec 2016, 3:21 AM
    Hi, Ziyad.

    Resources are included in the Heatmap.
  • My mug
    Wed, 7 Dec 2016, 6:01 AM
    Hi, all.

    I've uploaded a new version that includes a fix for some of the colour issues.

  • Barrie Edmonds
    Fri, 9 Dec 2016, 4:34 PM
    Really useful block. I wonder would it be possible to add number of times an activity is completed to the view?
  • My mug
    Mon, 12 Dec 2016, 5:47 AM
    Hi, Barrie.

    I suppose that would be possible, but it would be a big effort to collect that information and I'm not sure how people would relate it to the heatmap idea.

    Can I suggest you check out one of my other plugins that shows Completion information for students in a concise way.


  • Yvan Urunuela
    Mon, 3 July 2017, 10:32 PM
    Thanks Michael. Really useful.
  • Matt Hope
    Thu, 1 Mar 2018, 11:21 PM
    Hi Michael,

    This looks like a great plugin.

    Do you think it could be combined with a resource/activity rating system? A combination of a heat map with a rating function would be extremely useful for teachers to make the most of their resources on Moodle.

  • My mug
    Fri, 2 Mar 2018, 7:11 AM
    Hi, Matt.

    I think there are some activity rating plugins already. I'm not too keen to combine that functionality into this plugin as it currently works simply without any config or user feedback.

  • Ricardo Caiado
    Sat, 17 Mar 2018, 11:38 PM

    Any update to Moodle 3.4?

  • My mug
    Sun, 8 Apr 2018, 11:38 AM
    Hi, Ricardo.

    I've just checked with 3.3 and 3.4 and it seems to work nicely still. I've added those versions to the most recent release.

  • My mug
    Tue, 21 Apr 2020, 1:15 PM
    Hi, all.

    With a few changes, including privacy code, I've uploaded a new version for 2.7 to 3.8.


  • Naura Parveen
    Mon, 27 Apr 2020, 7:54 PM
  • Clare Hayward
    Tue, 28 July 2020, 5:02 PM
    Hi, we are upgrading from 3.5 to 3.9 and would like to continue use of this plugin. Will it work on 3.9 or are there plans to release a version for 3.9?
  • My mug
    Mon, 4 Jan 2021, 6:24 AM
    Hi, Clare.

    Sorry for the delayed reply. The plugin still works with versions up to 3.10.
  • Sebastian H.
    Fri, 17 Mar 2023, 12:02 AM
    Hi Michael,

    is there a chance to get this working with 4.1?

    Best regards
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