Geolocation block

Blocks ::: block_gps
Maintained by Robert Schrenk, Zentrum für Lernmanagement, Andreas Riepl
This block works together with the availability condition "gps" and allows a user to determine the current gps location. The location is stored in the current session and is used by the availability condition. Furthermore the block can show the locations in a course by list or on an interactive map.
Latest release:
140 sites
13 fans
Current versions available: 1

This block works together with the availability condition "gps" and allows a user to determine the current gps location. The location is stored in the current session and is used by the availability condition. Furthermore the block can show the locations in a course by list or on an interactive map.

No location data is stored persistently! A condition, however, can be configured that Moodle remembers persistently if it had been unlocked once.

Attention: your site needs to be run under https to use geolocation!


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Robert Schrenk (Lead maintainer)
Zentrum für Lernmanagement
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  • Plugins bot
    Mon, Jul 30, 2018, 11:20 PM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7408
  • Joel Salazar Ramirez
    Thu, Dec 2, 2021, 11:31 PM
    Hi There, the block geolocation is great but haves an issue: Redirects to login page, even whit force login disabled.

    It happened with moodle 3.10 and 3.11, so I make this comment for general knowledge.
  • Michael Smith
    Wed, Dec 8, 2021, 2:57 AM
    Is there a way to expand the "accuracy" setting to more than 20 Kilometers. I am wanting to allow anyone in a particular City Metro area - or a larger region. something like 200-300 Kilometers
  • Robert Schrenk
    Thu, Dec 9, 2021, 3:33 PM
    Hello, I added your wish to the list of feature requests. Perhaps it is the best if it is just a numeric text field, where you enter the meters yourself....
  • Richard de Keyzer
    Sat, Jan 8, 2022, 7:23 PM
    Dear Robert, In the geolocation blok the map is empty. So your third screenshot (the opentreetmap) my me is white. I see no map. I can't see the map, not in my browser on my pc, not in de moodle app on my smartphone, not in the browser on my smartphone. , noDo you have any idee what's the problem? My position (gps) is recognized en changes every time I walk. Thank you. Richard
  • Robert Schrenk
    Sat, Jan 8, 2022, 7:39 PM
    Hello Richard, the map is embedded from open street map, so maybe your browser blocks this. Do you have content security enabled in the page header?
  • Richard de Keyzer
    Mon, Jan 10, 2022, 3:36 AM
    Hello Robert, thank you for your quick reply. On the client side (in the browser) I put all security off. But maybe it is on the server side. When I see the blank box (no map is visible) and I push
    the blue location tab there comes a warning: Invalid record. Cant't find the data record (in Dutch: gegevensrecord) in the databasetable of the course. Moodle 3.11.4+ . php 7.4.27
    Geolocationblock 2.5 (2021121600)
    I hope this information can help to find a solution. Thank you. Richard.
  • Robert Schrenk
    Mon, Jan 10, 2022, 5:36 PM
    Such message may indicate a bug. Please open an issue at, but please provide more information on the error. You can enable debugging and grab the error, or check the error logs of your webserver respectively. Kind regards
  • Andriy Semenets
    Sat, Jan 22, 2022, 1:10 AM
    Faced the same issue as Richard wrote. Have submitted an issue
  • Rafael Calixto Avelar Marcelino
    Wed, Sep 27, 2023, 9:17 PM
    Hello, I'd like to ask you a question. When I add this block to a room, how will I be able to place a location restriction, so that only students who are in a certain location can access it? Or see the location of students and give attendance only to those who are in a certain location.
    I tried to add it to my Moodle, but when I click on "Update", the message "invalidrecord" appears.
  • Robert Schrenk
    Wed, Sep 27, 2023, 11:01 PM
    Please read the first sentence of the description: „This block works together with the availability condition "gps"“.
  • Rafael Calixto Avelar Marcelino
    Thu, Sep 28, 2023, 12:31 AM
    Got it, but mine doesn't show the logs as in screenshot 2
  • Robert Schrenk
    Thu, Sep 28, 2023, 12:32 AM
    You need to configure the location as condition in a resource or activity.
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