Block Game

Blocks ::: block_game
Maintained by Jota Costa
Part of set Gamification.
Block Game - An option to apply gamification to the Moodle platform. The purpose of the plugin is to apply gamification techniques to the moodle platform in a simple and uncomplicated way.
Latest release:
986 sites
70 fans
Current versions available: 3

Moodle Block Game


The goal of the Block Game plugin is to apply gamification techniques to the moodle platform in a simple and uncomplicated way.

With the plugin it is possible to apply several gamification techniques. See below.

Block description

1 - Avatar

Use Avatar: Allows the user to choose or change their avatar at any time. When the dotted icon appears it means the user has not yet chosen yours, by clicking on it, or your avatar, it takes you to the selection page, just click on the desired avatar to make the choice. Selecting some avatars will require the user to reach a certain level to unlock them.

Avatar change in the course: It is possible in the general settings of the plugin, to allow the user to choose his in any course that the block is added! This option makes the plugin more flexible and can be used in just one or more courses, without the need to include the block in the general area of ​​the platform!

2 - Player Information
Player Information

Show Player Information: Allows the user to access an area that consolidates the information of the same in the game, if accessed in the context of the platform presents information of all courses that the user participates using the block.

3 - User Rating
User Rating

Show Rank: Shows the user's ranking relative to other players.

4 - Score
User Score

Show Score: Shows the user's current score in the game.

Scoring system: The game has scoring system because the player's score will define his rating and the level he is at. 

  • Score Activity Notes - Allows notes (numeric scale) to be converted to game points. 
  • Score for completion of activities/resources - upon completing the activities / resources proposed in the courses, a score can be assigned, defined by the teacher. 
  • Score Section Completion  - When configured, the user gains the score when completing all activities with completion criteria defined in the section. 
  • Bonus of the Day - Allows you to set a score that the player will receive daily if they access the platform and / or course. 
  • Badge Bonus - Allows you to set a score the player will receive upon completing a course. It will also receive a badge as a reward.

5 - Level
User Level

Show Level: Allows you to display or not the level system. If configured to display you can configure the number of levels and the score required to reach each level. Still regarding the level the block has a progress bar that shows the user how much is left to reach the next level.

6 - Level progress bar
Progress Bar Next Level

When displaying the level, a progress bar for the user's level in relation to the next level will also be shown.

7 - Game help
Game Help

Displays a detailed description of the rules of the game, helps the user to understand how to use the resources of the block, how to score and level up. The game help is dynamically changed according to the configuration defined in the block.

8 - Groups Ranking
Ranking Groups

Show Groups Ranking: Allows you to show the classification of groups, being able to calculate the group's score by adding the members' score or an arithmetic average. Uses the groups created and configured on the platform.

9 - Ranking

Show Ranking: Allows you to show either the individual student rating on the platform or course and the classified list. - Preserve User Identity - If showing the rating, lets you preserve the identity of users in the classified list.

10 - Reset Game
Reset Game

When the course is in edit mode, the option to restart the game appears, resetting the score of all course users.

All images used in the plugin are under the Creative Commons license.


Important: Compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL only

First way

  • Download this repository
  • Access the administration area-> plugins-> install plugin, upload the file and click install.

Second way

  • Download this repository
  • Extract the content
  • Put the folder into the folder blocks of your moodle
  • Access the notification area in moodle and install

Post instalation

The initial configuration is done by the administrator, right after installation. The plugin configuration in the course is in the block configuration area.

After installing the plugin, the block can be added to the course and / or on the moodle main page.

After including the block in a course, it is necessary to enter the block configuration area and make the display and punctuation settings. These settings change the game rules presented in the help option.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7


Jota Costa (Lead maintainer)
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  • Filipe Batista
    Sat, 11 Mar 2023, 7:30 AM
    @jose é possível instalar ele na versão do Moodle 4.1.1+ (Build: 20230126), você acha que terei algum problema?
  • Jota Costa
    Wed, 29 Mar 2023, 3:50 AM
    @Filipe Batista, pode testar! Vou liberar uma versão nova em breve, com suporte ao 4.2.
  • Jota Costa
    Wed, 29 Mar 2023, 3:52 AM
    @Leonidas Xiros, the plugin will score only users with a student profile. If you assign both profiles, student and teacher, I believe the points are computed.
  • Jota Costa
    Wed, 29 Mar 2023, 3:54 AM
    @Geraldo Barros, o plugin é um bloco, não vai aparecer como atividade. Todas as configurações estão nas configurações do bloco.
  • puneet jhingan
    Wed, 10 May 2023, 4:15 PM
    Hello Jose,
    Our Abilities Courses are taken by grades 9-12 (Restrict Access by Grade Group), and in each course we have 3 progressive-Learning levels A,B,C (RA by Learning Level group), to selectively offer higher order activities to some students. So a student is enrolled in at least 2 groups - a Grade Group, and a Learning Level. Think of it like a matrix with Grades in Col and Learning Levels in Rows.
    However the Game Block rank criteria selects only one group. If student selects Grade Group, he is ranked against students in all learning levels, and vice versa. This is a problem.
    Is it possible to have 2 or 3 group selection with an AND condition.
    Is this faced by anybody else also?
  • Jota Costa
    Thu, 11 May 2023, 3:29 AM
    Hello @puneet jhingan,
    The plugin really does not have the functionality to configure users with multiple groups. So far, they have not reported this need to me. I'll include it in the list of new plugin features, but I can't guarantee you when it will be implemented. Thanks for helping to improve the plugin.
  • Danilo Silva
    Fri, 23 June 2023, 10:30 PM
    José Wilson, bom dia! Uma dúvida: consigo rankear de forma geral (todos os cursos da plataforma, acompanhamento na página inicial) ou a contagem dos pontos acontece separadamente dentro de cada curso?
  • Luca Bellani
    Wed, 5 July 2023, 11:51 AM
    Hello! Today suddenly, something happened to the plug... and the students no longer see anything in their Ranking section... the page is empty...
    Thanks for the help!
    Moodle 3.9.18
  • artur santos
    Fri, 8 Sept 2023, 2:23 PM
    Olá José, tudo bem?
    Queria fazer um reset à pontuação de todos os utilizadores no site no início do ano letivo e não consigo! sad
    Já fiz reset à pontuação em todas as disciplinas, mas a pontuação individual continua disponível na página principal/painel.
    Podes ajudar?
  • Jota Costa
    Tue, 26 Sept 2023, 7:20 PM
    Olá @artur santos, não tem uma funcionalidade de reset para todos os usuários do ambiente, apenas dentro de um curso! Caso queira zerar a pontuação de todos no ambiente inteiro você pode desinstalar e reinstalar o plugin. Isso vai resetar o jogo em todo o ambiente.
  • Jota Costa
    Tue, 26 Sept 2023, 7:24 PM
    @Danilo Silva, o rankeamento, na área externa aos cursos, faz uma somatória da pontuação do usuário em todos os cursos que usam o plugin e mais a pontuação externa, bônus diário e emblemas. Dentro dos cursos o rankeamento se restringe a pontuação adquirida dentro du curso.
  • artur santos
    Sat, 30 Sept 2023, 10:06 PM
    Olá José. Obrigado pela resposta.
    Eu pretendo fazer o reset em todo o ambiente. Mas se eu desinstalar o plugin e voltar a instalar vou perder todas as configurações em todas as disciplinas, certo?
  • Patrícia Cordeiro
    Tue, 26 Mar 2024, 7:38 PM
    Olá, José! Tudo bem?
    Estão aparecendo alguns relatos sobre o plugin instalado.
    Moodle 4.3
    Os avatares não estão aparecendo nos computadores apenas em celular;
    A pontuação está zerando e também não está aparecendo o nome na classificação geral.
    Tem algo que vc me orienta a fazer? Ou é por causa de ser o moodle 4.3?
    Desde já agradeço.
  • Juan Prado
    Mon, 22 Apr 2024, 9:12 AM
    When will be a version for Moodle 4.3. Thank you
  • Giulia Battaglia
    Mon, 20 May 2024, 10:56 PM
    Hello José! Thank you for this great plugin. I have a question:
    I'm trying to use the "Reset Game" button in a course and despite seeing the message "Course points reset for all users successfully !!" nothing changed, I can still see all points in the course ranking. Do you know what might be causing this?
    We are using Moodle 4.3.4
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