Formal languages block

Blocks ::: block_formal_langs
Maintained by Oleg Sychev
Formal languages block centralizes code for scanning and parsing of different languages. For now it is used by Preg and CorrectWriting question types, but other plugins can use it as well.
Latest release:
174 sites
5 fans
Current versions available: 9

This is technical plugin, containing code for lexing (scanning) and parsing text on different languages. For now it can do scanning for english natural language and C and C++ programming language. It is used by Preg and CorrectWriting question types. Feel free to use it in you plugins when you need quality scanning and parsing.

Teachers can add this block instances to the course to manage which languages will be visible to question creators in that course.


Screenshot #0


Oleg Sychev (Lead maintainer): General architecture
Dmitry Mamontov: Lexical analyzers, C++ parser
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  • Jarosław Maciejewski
    Sat, 7 Mar 2015, 2:30 AM
    Please update plugin

    Notice: Undefined variable: defaultsetting in /warehouse/lampp/htdocs/moodle/lib/adminlib.php on line 2249
    Class 'textlib' has been renamed for the autoloader and is now deprecated. Please use 'core_text' instead.
    line 102 of /lib/classes/component.php: call to debugging()
    line ? of unknownfile: call to core_component::classloader()
    line 28 of /question/type/poasquestion/poasquestion_string.php: call to spl_autoload_call()
    line 25 of /blocks/formal_langs/tokens_base.php: call to require_once()
    line 25 of /blocks/formal_langs/language_base.php: call to require_once()
    line 25 of /blocks/formal_langs/block_formal_langs.php: call to require_once()
    line 1699 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to include_once()
    line 1661 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_load_class()
    line 90 of /lib/classes/plugininfo/block.php: call to block_instance()
    line 56 of /admin/settings/plugins.php: call to core\plugininfo\block->load_settings()
    line 6660 of /lib/adminlib.php: call to require()
    line 537 of /admin/index.php: call to admin_get_root()
  • Oleg Sychev
    Tue, 31 Mar 2015, 3:55 AM
    Jaroslaw, I'm sorry for long waiting reply, but I think contentrating on getting new release done is more important. We are already done this change, but working on stabilising other important code for typo detection for release (and that means a lot of work on the picture, hints etc). I hope the BETA will be ready within a month.
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