Exabis Library

Blocks ::: block_exalib
Maintained by Andreas Riepl
Course-independent library
Latest release:
198 sites
11 fans
Current versions available: 1

About Exabis Library:

Exabis Library is a Moodle plugin designed to create, organize, and share resources effortlessly, making it an indispensable addition to your e-learning toolkit.

Key Features:

Multiple Resource Types:
Add resources as links or create your custom content, adapting to your unique teaching and learning needs. Create new entries with references to source material, links, files, content, and author information, ensuring comprehensive resource descriptions.

Tagging and Categorization
Create tags and categories to organize your content for easy navigation and retrieval.

Invite Reviewers:
Collaborate with peers and reviewers by inviting them to provide feedback and insights on your materials. Add comments to facilitate discussions and improvements on shared resources.

Course-Specific Libraries:
Tailor your resources to specific courses, ensuring that your materials are relevant and accessible where they are needed most.

Easy Document Management:
Admins can effortlessly add various document types using the "Manage Library" link within the block.

Quick Search:
Use the search box to search the entire library or dive deeper by searching within specific categories, making resource retrieval a breeze.

Exabis Library empowers educators and learners alike with its user-friendly interface and robust features, making it an invaluable asset for enhancing your Moodle-based educational experience.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Andreas Riepl (Lead maintainer)
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  • David Mudrák
    Mon, 4 May 2015, 6:48 PM

    Hi Andreas. Thanks for providing the updated version of your block. I gave it another round of review and spotted some issues that should be fixed before we approve the plugin here. From all the issues reported into your tracker, the #6 is an approval blocker for now as it is one of those things that are better to have correct since the day 0, rather than fix them later. But all the other issues I spotted today are quite important and should be addressed.

    Thanks for your patience with the review and approval process.

  • David Mudrák
    Wed, 6 May 2015, 11:32 PM

    Thanks Andreas for the updated version. I am going to approve the plugin now. You are cleared to land, welcome to the Plugins directory!

  • Shaun Chan Wing
    Fri, 19 Mar 2021, 12:58 AM
    Hi andreas .. can you pls direct me to the php module that does the single document creation I would like to try make it do multiple document import
  • Alaa Saeed
    Wed, 6 Oct 2021, 8:28 PM
    can you help by providing me the SQL query to report how many one download the file using configurable report
  • Ahsan Tejani
    Tue, 21 Dec 2021, 2:52 PM
    After installing the plugin, i observe few text/options are not in English.

    - in course setting tab
    Kommentarfunktion verwenden
    Reviewing verwenden
    Nutzungsbedingungen vor dem Erstellen von Inhalten/Fällen bestätigen
    Wording für Fallarchiv verwenden

    -- keine --
    Einstiegsebene festlegen

    Also in preview if material from library. The work "Content" is change into "HALT".

    when you enable the comment option, the button is also in different language.

    Can you please help.
  • Andreas Riepl
    Thu, 23 Dec 2021, 8:31 PM
    Hello Ahsan, we will take a look at it. What do you mean with content is changed to "HALT"? Regards, Andreas
  • Ahsan Tejani
    Wed, 29 Dec 2021, 3:04 PM
    Hello Andreas,

    I mean to say that, when we add content to library through "manage library content" and when we display same, the word content is written as INHALT.

    Copied text from my Moodle, so you able to see and understand. Marked (*) Infront of that word. I think INHALT mean content in German language. so can we change the same into English and its display here word "content"

    Heart Failure Medication
    Author: Dummy 1, Dummy 2
    Created: Monday, 20 December 2021, 10:57 PM
    Last Modified: Monday, 20 December 2021, 11:42 PM by Ahsan Tejani
    Files: PDF document HF Symptoms.pdf
    Link: https://www.c-health.ca/our-approach/cardiovascular-disease/

    Inhalt (************)

    Heart failure patients may need multiple medications. Each one treats a different symptom or contributing factor and comes with its own instructions and rules.

    You and your caregivers should work with your healthcare team to understand the medications and when, how often and in what dosage to take them.

    It’s important to discuss all of the drugs you take with your doctor (or other healthcare providers) and understand their desired effects and possible side effects. Your doctor and your pharmacist are your best sources of information. Don’t hesitate to ask them questions about your medicines.

    It's critical that people with heart failure take their medications exactly as directed by their healthcare provider, to optimize the benefits. The use of these drugs has saved lives, prolonged life and improved the heart’s function.

  • Andreas Riepl
    Tue, 4 Jan 2022, 10:45 PM
    Hello Ahsan, we changed strings, please use version from github: https://github.com/gtn/exalib - regards, Andreas
  • Ahsan Tejani
    Wed, 5 Jan 2022, 4:37 PM
    Thanks Andreas, Its working now.
  • Jan Combrink
    Mon, 18 Apr 2022, 5:21 PM
    Hi Andreas. Thank you for a great app. It is just what I needed. I experienced the same problem as Ashan did in the above note. I followed the link to GIT and installed every version available on Git, ending up with Master as seemingly the latest. I however cannot get rid of the German in some of the settings - Ahsan seemed o be successful. Here is my version:
    4.6.0 2022020300. The following German text still is around, and is not in the language file (EN).
    Kommentarfunktion verwenden
    Reviewing verwenden
    Nutzungsbedingungen vor dem Erstellen von Inhalten/Fällen bestätigen
    Wording für Fallarchiv verwenden
    -- keine --
    Einstiegsebene festlegen
    Neuer Eintrag
    Privater Kommentar (nur für Ersteller und Reviewer
    Kommentarfunktion verwenden

    I hope I caught them all.

    Is there a newer version that I am missing?

    Jan Combrink
  • Jan Combrink
    Mon, 18 Apr 2022, 5:25 PM
    Hi Andreas
    Thank you for a great plugin. It is just what I needed. I experience the same problem as Ahsan above. I have however installed all the versions on Git, ending up with the master (4.6.0 2022020300). I still het a lot of German, different from what Ahsan got. Is there a newer version I am missing?

    Jan Combrink
  • Andreas Riepl
    Tue, 19 Apr 2022, 1:21 AM
    Hello Jan, we will take a look at it and will be back shortly, regards, Andreas
  • Andreas Riepl
    Thu, 21 Apr 2022, 7:58 PM
    Hello Jan, we just updated the master-branch on git (this is also the version now checked in to Moodle.org) - please clear caches as moodle admin - sometimes new language strings need that, regards Andreas
  • Alaa Saeed
    Tue, 9 Aug 2022, 4:24 PM
    is there any way to know who is download the files and how many downlod done on each book, this is will help us a lot for now just we can upload the PDF and don't know if any one will access it or download or view.

    hope that you can help me with it
  • Andreas Riepl
    Tue, 9 Aug 2022, 9:48 PM
    Hello, we will take a look at it and will inform you, regards Andreas
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