Course Archiving

Blocks ::: block_eledia_course_archiving
Maintained by Benjamin Wolf
This plugin archives or delete courses from chosen categories depending on their start date.

Course Archiving 1.0 (2015071700)

Moodle 3.0, 3.1
Released: sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2016 às 17:11
This plugin archives courses from chosen categories depending on their start date.
This means the courses will be set invisible, moved to the configured archive category and all student users will be unenroled.
It although deletes courses from the archive category based on their start date.
The process is started manually within the block.

To install the plugin just copy the folder "eledia_course_archiving" into moodle/blocks/.

Afterwards you have to go to http://your-moodle/admin (Site administration -> Notifications) to trigger the installation process.

Configure the block within the plugins block configuration. Description of the process and the config fields can be found on the config page itself.
To start the process add the block to the main page. In the block you can find the link to form which starts the process.

copyright 2013 eLeDia GmbH
license GNU GPL v3 or later
You can receive a copy of the GNU General Public License at .

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
1.0 (2015071700)
Versão estável
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.0, Moodle 3.1

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Blocks

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the block folder.
  3. Place the folder (eg "myblock") in the "blocks" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to complete the installation
  5. Turn editing on in any home or course page.
  6. Add the block to the page
  7. Visit the config link in the block for more options.