Course Archiving

Blocks ::: block_eledia_course_archiving
Maintained by Benjamin Wolf
This plugin archives or delete courses from chosen categories depending on their start date.
Latest release:
86 sites
12 fans
Current versions available: 8

The plugin is developed to archive courses once a term an remove the archived courses from the term before. The Process of archiving has to be started manually and has a confirmation form before it begins with any changes. The timespan in days, of the past term, can be configured within the plugin configuration.

Archiving means the course will be set invisible, moved to the configured archive category and all student users will be unenroled.
The same process deletes old courses in the archive category. The old courses will be deleted if there course begin is before the chosen timespan.

NOTE: In Github we use an empty master branch. The different plugin versions can be found in special branches for each Moodle version.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Benjamin Wolf (Lead maintainer)
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  • Anthony Borrow
    jeu. 14 nov. 2013, 15:35
    On 10/31/2013 02:03 AM - Aparup Banerjee has commented on a plugin submission that hasn't been approved:

    Thanks for sharing this. Its installed fine here on 2.5. You may want to
    include 2.6 too.

    ps: I tried to configure and then see the block but i couldn't see anything
    there yet, perhaps i missed a step somewhere?
  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    mar. 19 nov. 2013, 10:07
    i've re-updated this to point tracker issues url to the tracker component. Thanks for re-submitting this, re-approving.
  • Blair F.
    ven. 14 nov. 2014, 01:09
    I'm excited about the potential for this plugin! I do have a question (or a wishlist item) , though:

    For us, we consider an Archive of a course to be a snapshot in time and is usually done at the end of a course. Because it's a snapshot in time, it needs to contain all of the students. Once the students are removed, we would consider it just a backup and not an archive. Do you think you might be able to add an option to KEEP students enrolled in the course?

  • Federica Marra
    mar. 24 févr. 2015, 17:44
    Hi Benjamin, this plugin looks really cool and it suits with what I was looking for.
    Are you going to release also the 2.8 version? is it supported? Thanks in advance!
  • Benjamin Wolf
    ven. 27 févr. 2015, 23:36
    I just tested it in 2.8. There are no changes within the used moodle functions. So it update the version information to support 2.8.
    Thanks for your feedback.
  • Federica Marra
    mar. 10 mars 2015, 22:58
    Thanks for your answer Benjamin. Can I also ask you if it is possible not to uneroll students with this plugin? I have the same issue than Blair.
  • Larry Herbison
    mer. 13 mai 2015, 00:39
    I installed it on a 2.6 system, but I can't get it to show up on the front page. Are there any dependencies that I should be aware of? This is a vanilla, newly-built 2.6 system.
  • Benjamin Wolf
    mar. 26 mai 2015, 19:15
    Are you sure you try to add it on the front page and not on the my page? The Block is not allowed on the my page now.

    When you turn editing on on the front page, you should find it in the dropdown menü to "Add a block" under the name "Course Archiving".

    There are no dependencies to other plug-ins.
  • Dinis Medeiros
    dim. 5 févr. 2017, 02:40
    Hi. Thanks for the plugin but i'm having a problem.
    In my config.php, the prefix of tables isn't mdl_ I have: $CFG->prefix = 'mdlvn_';
    In some lines of the code you have: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM mdl_course. It causes the error: Table '....mdl_course' doesn't exist
    Is there a chance to change the code to workaround this issue? THANK you.
  • Dinis Medeiros
    dim. 5 févr. 2017, 03:01
    Is there a chance to add this option:
    When confirm Archiving and the number of course to be archieved and / or to be deleted is zero say something like: Nothing to delete or archive
  • Benjamin Wolf
    mar. 14 févr. 2017, 21:04
    Thanks for reporting this. I replace the explicit table names now with the moodle place holder. So the correct prefix will always be added.
    I also added a text string for the case that both lists(archive and delete) are empty.

    You can find it in the new version uploaded today or the git branches for 31 and 32.
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