Course dedication

Blocks ::: block_dedication
Maintained by Dan Marsden, Catalyst IT
This block allows to calculate estimated dedication time of participants within a course.
Latest release:
6612 sites
213 fans
Current versions available: 6

NOTE: This plugin has a new maintainer.

Thanks to the University of Canterbury for sponsoring the upgrade work to support Moodle 4.0 and the new report builder API.


This block allows to see the estimated dedication time to a Moodle course by the participants of the course.

How dedication time is estimated?

Time is estimated based in the concepts of Session and Session duration applied to Moodle's log entries:

  • Click: every time that a user access to a page in Moodle a log entry is stored.
  • Session: set of two or more consecutive clicks in which the elapsed time between every pair of consecutive clicks does not overcome an established maximum time.
  • Session duration: elapsed time between the first and the last click of the session.


This block is intended to be used only by teachers, however the block can be configured to show dedication time to students too.

Teachers can use a tool to analyse dedication time within a course. The tool provides three reporting methods:

  • Dedication time of the course: calculates total dedication time, mean dedication time and connections per day for each student, which you can filter by course group if required.
  • Dedication of a student: detailed sessions for a student with start date & time, duration and ip.
  • Report builder source: The plugin includes a custom report builder source to allow for site-level reporting to be generated.

Original developed by Aday Talavera, CICEI at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University
Updated to support Moodle 1.9 - Moodle 3.X 
by Borja Rubio Reyes.
Support for Moodle 4.0 was sponsored by the University of Canterbury.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Dan Marsden (Lead maintainer)
Borja Rubio Reyes: previous author
Aday Talavera: previous maintainer
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  • Dan Marsden
    Mon, 13 May 2024, 5:56 AM
    @Macrocap - that's a site-level admin setting that you can definitely change - unfortunately it doesn't currently re-caclculate the historical data when you make the change, but you could manually delete the existing data and run the CLI script included within the plugin to regenerate the data manually.
  • Giacomo Coletta
    Wed, 15 May 2024, 6:46 PM
    Hi Dan,
    Could you please elaborate more on the answer you gave to Macrocap?
    To remove any minimum session duration, do you need to set "Ignore session limit" to 0 minutes?
    Morover, how do I manually delete historical data?
    Thanks for your time
  • Dan Marsden
    Thu, 16 May 2024, 9:32 AM
    @Giacomo - yes - setting the ignore session limit to 0 minutes will only affect "future" data and not existing data already generated.
    You will need an experienced user to delete the data within the dedication tables using a sql query and that understands how to run CLI scripts - the dedication plugin includes a CLI script that allows you to re-generate data. If you work with a Moodle Partner they should be able to help with this.
  • Matthew Marinovich
    Mon, 27 May 2024, 9:51 PM
    Hi there, sorry if this is not the best place to seek support...
    We have installed this block on a site with around 60k users and we found that the background task generated a LOT of database activity. So much that we deactivated the background task until we understand better how the block / background task is meant to behave. We have a few questions about the task:
    * Is it normal for the task to drive high database load?
    * Is there any way to moderate / reduce the amount of processing it is doing?
    * Would the task (when installed on an existing busy site) have an initial period of high database load (processing historical log data) followed by a more moderate database load profile once it has processed all historical data (caught up)?
    * Is there a way to filter the courses that this task runs for and perhaps whitelist / filter those that it should caluclate for?
    Many thanks - please advise if this kind of query should be added somewhere else instead of here =/
  • Dan Marsden
    Tue, 28 May 2024, 10:40 AM
    @Matthew - yes the first time the task runs it processes the last 12 weeks of data which can take some time on a busy site - you can see that set here:

    There is also a cli task which you can run manually if you would like to generate further historical data.

    There is always room for improving how a plugin works - if you have internal development capablities, pull requests are always welcome, alternatively feel free to reach out privately if you would like to fund further development on the plugin.
    Wed, 29 May 2024, 10:39 PM
    Hello, I created a new role, and I would like this role, like the teacher role, to be able to see everyone's dedication. Is there a way to do this? I have already tried giving the role permissions but it doesn't work.
  • Didier Journois
    Sat, 8 June 2024, 7:31 PM
    Hi ! Is there a way , in addition to first name + name, to get the id (username) in the exported data of all users ? Thanks for your advice
  • Dan Marsden
    Mon, 10 June 2024, 7:44 AM
    @Didier - this plugin includes a custom report source that allows you to build a report with a wide range of user fields - for documentation on how to use custom reports in moodle see:
  • Javier Pardo
    Sun, 14 July 2024, 7:14 AM
    Dear developers, we have been using this plugin in several of our training centers for many years and the truth is that we are delighted with its effectiveness. Thank you very much for this great contribution.

    We create personalized reports on our students with Moodle's integrated reporting tool, but we realize that if we use the plugin data as a source we cannot filter the students by group.

    Would it be possible to add, in addition to the course and student data, the data of the group to which they belong?

    Unfortunately, Moodle's custom reports do not allow you to create a report using different sources and if we use the source of this plugin we cannot create filters with the groups.

    We thought it would be very useful to have this information in the reports.

    Would this be possible?

    Thank you very much in advance.
  • Jesús M. Mora Muñoz
    Sun, 14 July 2024, 4:49 PM
    Hi all,

    first, thanks to the mainteinance team for this great work. I have a question and I'm not sure if it's possible there any way to add a completion rule (i.e.: students must have 2 hours of dedication time)?

  • Jesús M. Mora Muñoz
    Sun, 14 July 2024, 4:49 PM
    Hi all,

    first, thanks to the mainteinance team for this great work. I have a question and I'm not sure if it's possible there any way to add a completion rule (i.e.: students must have 2 hours of dedication time)?

  • Dan Marsden
    Mon, 15 July 2024, 11:10 AM
    @Javier - great to hear you find it useful - you may have seen I've just commented on your github issues tracker but this is now available in the version of this plugin that supports Moodle 4.4 and higher.

    @Jesús - that's not something currently supported, but feel free to reach out privately if you would like to fund the development required to do this.
  • Nishikant Tyagi
    Thu, 25 July 2024, 12:48 PM
    @Dan Mardsen This Plugin is working on course not on Course parts. Let's suppose we have three lessons on a course and want to track dedicated time on a particular course lesson. So is it possible to do that and if so how we approach it?
  • Dan Marsden
    Thu, 25 July 2024, 1:10 PM
    @Nishikant. The plugin does not currently support this but it would be possible with some development. If you are interested in funding improvements please reach put privately.
  • Nishikant Tyagi
    Thu, 25 July 2024, 1:42 PM
    @Dan Mardesn How can we connect Privately
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