Dataform field access

Blocks ::: block_dataformaccessfield
Maintained by Itamar Tzadok
Part of set Dataform.
The Dataform field access block provides context and settings for Dataform field access rules. With such rules you can allow or prevent particular users (individually or by role) access to particular fields in particular views.
Latest release:
89 sites
13 fans
Current versions available: 4
The Dataform field access block provides context and settings for Dataform field access rules. With such rules you can allow or prevent particular users (individually or by role) access to particular fields in particular views.

There can be many interesting applications of the field rules. For instance, you can create a Dataform activity where a student submit an assignment (online text, file upload, etc.) and two graders evaluate the submission. The graders enter their evaluations in designated fields in the student entry. By the field rules, you can prevent the student from updating the grading fields, and prevent the graders from updating the submission fields. You can also prevent the graders from seeing each other's evaluation.


Screenshot #0


Itamar Tzadok (Lead maintainer)
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  • David Mudrák
    Fri, Nov 28, 2014, 6:26 PM
    Hi Itamar. Thanks for sharing this plugin with the community. I was able to successfully test the functionality - although I admit it took some time to get the concept of the usage correctly. I must admit that my initial thought was like "wtf?! using a block instance for this?" But then I realized the solution is quite powerful and clever. Nice trick to define custom field-level context within the course module instance indeed. I believe this will need very good documentation with a lot of examples, which I hope you would provide soon.

    Said that, you are cleared to land. Welcome to the Plugins directory!
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