Behaviour Analytics

Blocks ::: block_behaviour
Maintained by Ted Krahn, Maiga Chang
Behaviour Analytics is a Moodle block plugin that is intended for extracting sequential behaviour patterns of students from course access logs.
Latest release:
120 sites
23 fans
Current versions available: 2

Behaviour Analytics considers all the activities on a course page as nodes in a graph. The links between nodes are the student accesses of those activities. Each student then has a centroid point derived from their accesses to activities and the coordinates of the nodes. The student centroids can be clustered to group students and find common access patterns. The nodes of the graph can be manually positioned and/or removed from the graph, which will affect the student centroids. When students create new data for the system, the clustering results get updated and can be replayed to visually verify the grouping remains correct with the addition of the new data. Incorrect groupings can be manually altered. The plugin is intended for teacher use and will not be seen by students.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Ted Krahn (Lead maintainer)
Maiga Chang: Project lead
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  • Plugins bot
    вт, 7 яну 2020, 08:40
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7943
  • Holmes Josh
    пн, 1 фев 2021, 19:44
  • Tien Nguyen
    пт, 15 юли 2022, 20:51
    Thanks you for this awesome plugin. Would love to use it in moodle 4
  • Ted Krahn
    чт, 28 юли 2022, 01:02
    This plugin has been tested with Moodle 4.0 and released again as compatible.
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