
Blocks ::: block_attendance
Maintained by Dan Marsden, Catalyst IT
Part of set Attendance.
This block works with the attendance module, it provides teachers with quick access to Attendance functionality, and provides students quick access to a summary report for their own attendance.
Latest release:
3319 sites
94 fans
Current versions available: 6

The Attendance activity allows teachers to maintain a record of attendance, replacing or supplementing a paper-based attendance register.

This block provides quick links to features such as reporting, taking of attendance and adding new sessions.


Screenshot #0


Dan Marsden (Lead maintainer)
Artem Andreev: Previous maintainer/developer
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  • Dan Marsden
    gtu., 22 wer. 2017, 8:54 AM
    sure - personally I think this should be a feature within Moodle core - allowing us to hide events from particular modules, I'm not sure if there is an existing tracker issue for that but there is a lot of work going on at the moment which is adding even more events into the calendar - see: (make sure you login to the tracker when viewing that as the linked bugs only show when logged in)
  • Zeid Fanous
    cyu., 17 uku. 2017, 2:35 PM
    Hi, Would it be possible to search for a users by name ... i have a lot of users who take submit attendance weekly... I know there is the export option, but would it be possible to search for a user? thanks smile
  • Dan Marsden
    mbe., 18 uku. 2017, 4:17 AM
    @Zeid - That's not something that is currently supported. I would like to improve the reports to allow better filtering/searching at some point though. Pull requests or funding are always welcome.
  • cb userpic w harvey
    gnu., 19 mut. 2018, 10:44 AM
    For some reason Attendance did not show in Calendar over the last five months, but it does now. Is there a way to remove it? It does clutter the calendar and since we've disabled student ability to take their own attendance, it's not relevant to them. Please advise, thanks. smile
  • Dan Marsden
    gnu., 19 mut. 2018, 10:57 AM
    Clay - try looking at the admin settings and you might find something relevant: admin > activities > attendance
  • Kelvin Osondu
    gnu., 27 nya. 2018, 8:24 PM

    There's quite too much information for the students on the attendance block.

    Is it possible tor filter the stats? If not, is it possible to segregate them. My client doesn't want students to be confused with too many numbers.

  • Dan Marsden
    gnu., 27 nya. 2018, 8:43 PM
    @Kelvin I would be happy to help your client with this - feel free to get in touch privately and I can provide information on our rates.
  • Barbara Taylor
    kab., 27 kan. 2019, 10:07 AM
    Hi Dan. We are running Moodle 3.6.5 and are getting this error. Do you know how we can resolve this?

    Problem Log:
    !!! Exception - Call to undefined function file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls() !!!
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught coding_exception: Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: A lock was created but not released at:
    Exception Non-zero exitcode: 1 running task \mod_attendance\task\auto_mark, continuing running other processes
    !!! Exception - Call to undefined function file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls() !!!
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught coding_exception: Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: A lock was created but not released at:
    Exception Non-zero exitcode: 1 running task cron.php, continuing running other processes


  • Harry Woodward-clarke
    gtu., 15 nya. 2020, 10:13 AM
    sorry to hassle...
    do you know of an compatibility issues with Moodle 3.9 with this plugin?
    I suspect that, with the broad compatibility (3.4 thru 3.8) of the current version (3.2.4) "probably not" is the answer.
    Seeking confirmation / clarification / reassurance smile
  • Dan Marsden
    gtu., 15 nya. 2020, 3:04 PM
    I'm not aware of any issues. I haven't flagged it as ready for 3.9 due to a behat test failure that i cant reproduce when running the steps manually - I'm hoping to find some time in the next month to chase that down. But pull requests are always welcome!!!
  • Djamchid Dalili
    gnd., 18 nya. 2020, 2:01 AM
    Hello Dan, I can't find the Attendance Block in the list of Blocks. I've downloaded the plugin, moodle 3.9. Many thanks. Additionally, we'll probably need a specifiic report and we can fund a development.
  • Dan Marsden
    kab., 21 nya. 2020, 5:45 PM
    this Block is an optional extra - you must have the attendance activity installed as well. For installation help, the best place to ask for help is here:
    If you would like to fund development I work for the Moodle Partner Catalyst IT, feel free to get in touch privately for information on our rates.
  • Harjit Singh
    kab., 25 mut. 2022, 12:10 AM
    Is it possible to send SMS to students who are absent in the class
  • erika alarcon
    kab., 22 gas. 2022, 4:22 AM
    Hi, it will be a version for moodle 3.11 ?
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