AJAX Marking Block

Blocks ::: block_ajax_marking
Maintained by Picture of Matt Gibson relaxing in the AlpsMatt Gibson
Shows a teacher all of the unmarked work which has been submitted by their students across all of the courses they teach in. It's most useful when placed on the front page, and it allows the work to be viewed and graded through a pop-up interface, which then updates the block once the work is marked.

AJAX Marking Block 2.1.5b10

Moodle 2.1
Released: 2012. május 10., csütörtök, 19:40
This new beta has a number of bugfixes:
- Fixes a variety of SQL issues, especially with MSSQL.
- Revert to draft now works properly for advanced upload assignments.

General release notes:
This release contains a whole load of new stuff, focused on configuring the items in the block to show or hide them. It also allows specific course groups to be shown or hidden for each activity, and for defaults to be set at course level.

- Icons are back for all nodes
- Highlighting the background of the nodes to show how long since it was submitted has gone and been replaced by three different counts for each (recent, medium and overdue), shown in different colours so you can see exactly what work is waiting for you.
- The highlighted counts are at every level of the tree so you can see which course/group/etc needs attention
- The config tab is now fully working and shows icons indicating the status of each course (default) and activity (overriding course settings if needed)
- Activities can be hidden, or set to only show some groups
- Groups can be shown or hidden either without altering the main tree (students in those groups just won't show up), or 'show group nodes' can be enabled so that a separate node appears for each group after the activity nodes so that you can mark work on a per-class basis
- Settings can be changed by right-clicking on any course, activity or group node in the main tree, as well as in the config tree
- Changing settings at course level in the config will change them for all the activities to match the course ones i.e. it's a way of quickly putting all the activities of that course to the same settings, wiping out any overridden activity settings you might have made.
- HTML has been tidied up so it should appear neater in various browsers, with all nodes ending the same distance from the right side of the block. Full details of every part of the tree can be found in rollover tooltips if the name is truncated.

It's marked it as beta because I expect small bugs to need ironing out over the next week or so as people test it, but it seems stable for me. Hope it's useful!

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS branch
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Blocks

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the block folder.
  3. Place the folder (eg "myblock") in the "blocks" subdirectory.
  4. Visit http://yoursite.com/admin to complete the installation
  5. Turn editing on in any home or course page.
  6. Add the block to the page
  7. Visit the config link in the block for more options.