Word count

Atto ::: atto_count
Maintained by Me!Damyon Wiese
Simple count words plugin for Atto.
Latest release:
853 sites
29 fans
Current versions available: 1
This uses the Moodle count_words() function so the results will be consistent with core Moodle features like word limits in Assignments.


Screenshot #0


Damyon Wiese (Lead maintainer)
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  • David Mudrák
    Fri, 27 June 2014, 5:44 AM
    Thanks for your contribution Damyon. I tested the functionality and reviewed the code. Approving now.
  • Rex Lorenzo
    Fri, 18 Nov 2016, 9:28 AM
    We showed this plugin to a faculty member and it doesn't provide the functionality they were expecting. They wanted to see a live update of the word count without having to press a button. Is that possible?
  • Me!
    Fri, 18 Nov 2016, 9:32 AM
    You would have to poll the server on changes. It can't be done accurately from javascript because it depends on the php multibyte conversions etc.
  • Me!
    Fri, 9 Dec 2016, 9:19 AM
    Updated to mark as compatible with all versions up to Moodle 3.2. There are no code changes.
  • Joël Schmid
    Thu, 27 Apr 2017, 11:35 PM
    Watch out! For those who need an exact count, it seams as I the first word starting from the second line on don't get counted anymore: https://github.com/damyon/moodle-atto_count/issues/6
  • InsightKorea JobS
    Fri, 6 Oct 2017, 11:48 PM
    not yet 3.3?
  • InsightKorea JobS
    Thu, 12 Oct 2017, 9:58 AM
    Do you have a development plan for tinymce?
    I am sorry that English is not fluent.
  • Andrew Normore
    Wed, 15 Nov 2017, 4:06 AM
    Working in Moodle 3.3.2 - thank you!
  • Michael Zwahlen
    Sun, 10 June 2018, 11:25 PM
    Hi, your Plugin is great! My students love it. Please update to 3.5!
  • Laura García Acosta
    Wed, 11 Sept 2019, 8:20 PM
    Hello!, Do you think update to 3.7 this plugin? It would be cool!
  • Demet Arda (IT)
    Tue, 18 May 2021, 3:59 PM
    Hi, We ask you to update this plugin to 3.9. thank you
  • Al
    Sat, 18 Sept 2021, 9:33 PM
    Please can you update the version this supports to 3.11 so that it automatically installs during an update?
  • Al
    Sun, 24 Oct 2021, 12:21 AM
    Hi, sorry to bother you again. Is there any chance you can change the version number that is supported to include 3.11 I have just updated moodle again and it has not installed your plugin during the upgrade as moodle thinks it will only work on versions up to 3.4. If you can change the version it supports to 3.11, the next time we update it, which we do most weeks, it will install automatically. Thank you.

    I am sorry I seem to have upset you... I have only messaged you twice and these were the messages...

    April - 2019

    Please could you update count for Atto. Every time we upgrade moodle, it is not detected so we have to manually go to the moodle website, find the plugin and install it.

    If you should add this I would very much appreciate it, thank you so much.


    Could you also do the same for Horizontal Rule for Atto. Cheers.

    Then I was blocked. I am sorry if I have offended you with these messages in some way, it was not intentional. I hope you are ok and you can look into this issue for us. Thank you so much, again.
  • #GoHawks!
    Tue, 21 Nov 2023, 2:31 AM
    Any forthcoming updates on this plugin?
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