Automatic extension

Assignment submissions ::: assignsubmission_automaticextension
Maintained by Rossco Hellmans, Catalyst IT
This plugin allows students to request an automatic extension. A "Request extension" button will be presented on the assignment view page, pressing the button will take the student to a confirmation page, after confirming an extension will be applied using the site settings.
Latest release:
50 sites
11 fans
Current versions available: 1

Automatic extension - Moodle assignsubmission plugin

This plugin allows students to request an automatic extension. A "Request extension" button will be presented on the assignment view page, pressing the button will take the student to a confirmation page, after confirming an extension will be applied using the site settings.

Site settings

  • Enabled by default | default - if the plugin should be enabled by default for new and existing assignments (created before this plugin was installed), allowing students to make extension requests
  • Condition details | conditions - HTML that will be presented to the student on the confirmation screen when the student requests an extension
  • Maximum requests | maximumrequests - the number of extension requests a user can make for each assignment (setting this to 0 will disable the plugin)
  • Extension length | extensionlength - the length of each extension period, each subsequent request will increase the extension by this amount (setting this to 0 will disable the plugin)


There is a single permission, assignsubmission/automaticextension:requestextension determines if a user can request an automatic extension. By default this permission is given to the student archetype.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Rossco Hellmans (Lead maintainer): Developer
Catalyst IT: (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    Mon, Feb 6, 2023, 3:10 PM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-9205
  • Alan Brown
    Wed, Jan 31, 2024, 9:26 AM
    This is close to what I need, but I really need something that has an Extension Request button but then generates a form field where a student can explain a reason for the request, as well as a new due date request field, and a Teacher select button with a menu displaying selectable teachers on the course. The submission would then send this form to the selected teacher via email and the teacher manually grants or denies an extension as per usual. Is it possible to modify this plugin for that option?
  • Lucas Yanetsko
    Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 11:22 PM
    This is very cool, well done.

    Is there any chance that it is possible to integrate and add a payment portion to this plugin?

    i.e. My student John Doe has the option to click a button in the course and then it takes them to stripe they pay a small fee and then they are granted the extension? So essentially "buying a course extension" as opposed to just requesting one?
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