Moodle Plugins directory: Automatic extension |
Automatic extension
Assignment submissions ::: assignsubmission_automaticextension
Maintained by
Rossco Hellmans,
Catalyst IT
This plugin allows students to request an automatic extension. A "Request extension" button will be presented on the assignment view page, pressing the button will take the student to a confirmation page, after confirming an extension will be applied using the site settings.
Latest release:
50 sites
11 fans
Current versions available: 1
Automatic extension - Moodle assignsubmission plugin
This plugin allows students to request an automatic extension. A "Request extension" button will be presented on the assignment view page, pressing the button will take the student to a confirmation page, after confirming an extension will be applied using the site settings.
Site settings
- Enabled by default | default - if the plugin should be enabled by default for new and existing assignments (created before this plugin was installed), allowing students to make extension requests
- Condition details | conditions - HTML that will be presented to the student on the confirmation screen when the student requests an extension
- Maximum requests | maximumrequests - the number of extension requests a user can make for each assignment (setting this to 0 will disable the plugin)
- Extension length | extensionlength - the length of each extension period, each subsequent request will increase the extension by this amount (setting this to 0 will disable the plugin)
There is a single permission, assignsubmission/automaticextension:requestextension determines if a user can request an automatic extension. By default this permission is given to the student archetype.
Rossco Hellmans (Lead maintainer): Developer
Catalyst IT: (Lead maintainer)
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Is there any chance that it is possible to integrate and add a payment portion to this plugin?
i.e. My student John Doe has the option to click a button in the course and then it takes them to stripe they pay a small fee and then they are granted the extension? So essentially "buying a course extension" as opposed to just requesting one?