Team Assignment

Assignment types ::: assignment_team
Maintained by Paul Charsley, Tsubasa Nakata
The Moodle Team Assignment allows students to organise themselves into teams of 1 or more students for the purpose of completing an assignment. A team submission (which may consist of one or more files) is then submitted to Moodle for marking by the teacher. When the teacher marks the submission they can grade the students with a single team mark. If necessary, 1 or more team members can be given individual marks. Note that this version does not support rubric grading.
Latest release:
17 sites
7 fans
Current versions available: 1


Paul Charsley (Lead maintainer)
Tsubasa Nakata: Developer
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  • Kees Koopman
    Sun, 15 Apr 2012, 4:54 AM
    Grading with Rubrics seems to be impossible. Right?
  • Marco António
    Thu, 3 May 2012, 12:07 AM
    After some tests with this plugin, i realize that it's possible to remove team members and even a team after assign submission! Is this functional?
  • Stephen Nutbrown
    Mon, 9 July 2012, 4:23 AM
    After testing myself with this plugin, it seems like a good start to a team submissions plugin but not quite all there. I can't download all submissions as a zip which is a shame. Also users can boot any other user from their group at any time. I would like to have the option to predefine users, perhaps using the groups feature rather than having students always pick their own groups. Is this still under development, or has development now finished? Whilst it's good, I am going to need to make some modifications for our institution to use this, so I was wondering what the current stage is with this. Thanks!
  • p
    Wed, 15 Aug 2012, 5:46 AM
    WHere is the community at with the 2.3 Team Assignment?
  • Bitmoji
    Sun, 9 Sept 2012, 4:53 AM
    I installed on 2.3 running on a Windows Server and even before testing the assignment I noticed a problem. Cron hung at "Processing module function assignment_cron ...". Once I removed the Team assignment folder, cron resumed running correctly. Just thought I'd post in case someone else ran into this issue.
  • David Housman
    Tue, 2 Oct 2012, 11:23 PM
    I am using the Moodle Team Assignment to allow students to group themselves into teams of one to four students and make a single submission and to allow me to grade each submission only once and have the grades and comments post to the individual students. Two strange things have been happening.

    First, when I "view submissions by team", "Grade" or "Update" a particular team's work, and "Save and Show Next" or "Next", the order by which the next team's work is not discernable to me. For example, there have been multiple teams for which there is no next team, there have been multiple teams who all have the same team that is considered next, and there have been some instances of loops (A->B->C->A). What team is next seems to usually remain the same but a few times it has changed. Of course, what this means is that I must go back to "view submissions by team" and choose another team to "Grade" or "Update". Is there some way to control which team is considered "next"?

    Second, I had pasted grading rubric tables as a comment for each team. Then I noticed that "View team submissions by team members" allowed me to see students who had not submitted work. From that summary page, I set their grades to 0 and added the comment "No submission". When I "Save All My Feedback", all of the rubric tables for the other students were erased. Fortunately, I did have a file with all of the completed grading rubrics, but it was annoying to have to spend a half-hour again cutting and pasting these into individual team comments. What is going on here?
  • jo
    Tue, 30 Oct 2012, 5:05 AM
    I've tried to add your plugin to my Moodle v2.2.2+
    when I try to open it as admin it appears:

    "Incorrect table "assignment_team" definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key.
    Stack trace:
    line 271 of /lib/ddl/sql_generator.php: ddl_exception thrown
    line 110 of /lib/ddl/mysql_sql_generator.php: call to sql_generator->getCreateTableSQL()
    line 472 of /lib/ddl/database_manager.php: call to mysql_sql_generator->getCreateTableSQL()
    line 21 of /mod/assignment/type/team/db/upgrade.php: call to database_manager->create_table()
    line 384 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to xmldb_assignment_team_upgrade()
    line 1437 of /lib/upgradelib.php: call to upgrade_plugins()
    line 269 of /admin/index.php: call to upgrade_noncore()

    What have I done wrong? :S

  • Chun Chan
    Fri, 9 Nov 2012, 12:32 PM
    I tried to install it to our Moodle with version 2.3.1. However, it reported some errors in notification page. It seems that it is not supported in version 2.3.x. When will have the newer release ?

    Many thanks!
  • Shwu-Fen Kuo
    Thu, 31 Jan 2013, 2:43 PM
    I have installed it with moodle v2.3, but it can't upgrade to new assignment module. When doest it support v2.3?

  • Rich Brownstein
    Tue, 5 Feb 2013, 6:03 AM
    I have installed properly into Moodle 2.4. But I have no idea how to use it. What, exactly, do I need to do when creating an assignment to allow more than one student to be part of a submission? Thanks!
  • Paul Charsley
    Tue, 5 Feb 2013, 6:23 AM
    Hi Rich, I am very sorry but the team assignment is only supported in Moodle 2.2 and below The new assignment module which includes team submissions was introduced in Moodle 2.3. This supercedes the team assignment and should be used in its place.
  • Jason Williams
    Fri, 15 Mar 2013, 10:08 PM
    I'm nearly done backporting moodle 2.4 assignment module to work as a separate team assignment module in 2.3. I didn't make any changes to the core tables. I added supplemental tables for all of the additional fields (Remote Learner isn't a fan of us making changes to anything core...database or not). I hope to be done with all of the work by the end of next week.
  • Proper Bo, am tellin thee!
    Mon, 9 June 2014, 5:10 PM
    Hi - is this still supported, as I cannot access any of the developer sites.
  • Margaret Jones
    Mon, 22 Oct 2018, 8:06 PM
    It is smart to existing learners with the rubric that you will use to high quality their task when you first allocate the perform. This allows learners to see exactly what you are going to be looking for as you high quality. Actually, this is important for primary university learners. According to the assignment writing services Experts ; Some instructors find it useful to actually have learners high quality their own perform centered on the rubric before they submit their task. This does not mean that you will use this high quality, but it will help the learners target the high high quality of their own perform.
  • Alejandro Lopez
    Tue, 17 Nov 2020, 3:53 PM
    Hi, I am trying to install this plugin, and it gives me an error: Validating assign_team ... Error
    [Error] The plugin does not declare the names of its components [null]

    Installation aborted due to a validation error

    moodle version 3.5.3
1 2
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