PDF feedback

Assignment feedbacks ::: assignfeedback_pdf
Maintained by DavoDavo Smith
Part of set Assignment: PDF.
This allows a teacher to annotate and return PDF files that have been submitted by students. Teachers can add and position comments and draw lines, ovals, stamps, rectangles and highlights onto the student's work, from within the browser. For Moodle 2.6 and above, I advise you use the standard functionality instead.
Latest release:
575 sites
18 fans
Current versions available: 4

This plugin and the associated feedback plugin, do still, technically, work with Moodle 3.1, but they sit very awkwardly alongside the new grading layout. If you haven't switched over yet, now is the time to do so.

This is part of the PDF annotation plugin for Moodle assignments.

Full instructions and information can be found in the submission part of this assignment plugin at:


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Davo Smith (Lead maintainer)
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  • Richard Ryles
    Mon, 3 Feb 2014, 10:24 PM
    Davo, I no longer think it is your plugin, it will not make a backup when I add an assignment to a course no matter the type. Thanks for the quick response. I'll look elsewhere and see what I can find.
  • Andrew Houston
    Thu, 20 Mar 2014, 6:40 PM
    Hi. Our teachers live the plugin smile I was just wondering though, some of them are using the plugin where students submit the upto assignment 3 times, they have a standard feedback sheet that leaves space for feedback from all 3 attempts. Is there a way to carry feedback across from previous attempts onto the new attempt ?
  • Davo
    Thu, 20 Mar 2014, 7:33 PM
    Andrew - I'm afraid there is no way to carry feedback across from one attempt to the next (the 'create new submission based on last submission' code only supports 'submission' plugins, not feedback plugin). I am not sure it would work well, even if it were supported - if a new submission had a different number of pages from the old submission, or the pages were in a different order, then the feedback would no longer match the pages on which it was found.
  • John Banner
    Thu, 14 Aug 2014, 10:36 PM
    Is there a way to get the editor to open in a popup window kinda like the built in pdf editor? I tried your plugin because we are using Landscape documents and it works great!
  • Davo
    Thu, 14 Aug 2014, 10:41 PM
    If you want a popup editor, then use the built-in PDF editor (which is based on my plugin) - it is the non-popup nature of my plugin that means it supports landscape documents slightly better.

    I have no plans to add new features to my own version, as I now consider it to have been superseded by being (rewritten and then) integrated into core.
  • John Banner
    Thu, 14 Aug 2014, 11:09 PM
    Ok thanks! We cannot use the built-in Editor because of the landscape issue, I tried making the documents into portrait but the tables that the students type into do not fit in portrait mode. We will stick with this plugin until Moodle's built-in supports Lanscape documents.
  • Gaylen Urie
    Sun, 24 Aug 2014, 10:12 PM
    This plugin is awesome, but I am wondering if there is a way to force the feedback window into full screen. I am wanting to be able to annotate the file on an ipad. It works, but it moves the window rather than writing on the page.

    Any suggestions?
  • Davo
    Mon, 25 Aug 2014, 4:31 PM
    Gaylen, now that this functionality has been integrated into Moodle core (2.6 onwards), I do not intend to add any more features to my version. Please try out the core version, then open an issue on tracker.moodle.org, if you would like to see an improvement there.
  • Davo
    Thu, 24 Nov 2016, 4:48 AM
    Automated tests all passing in Moodle 3.2 (with minor tweaks to the tests themselves) - but please move over to the core annotation features instead.
  • Gordon Mills
    Wed, 1 Mar 2017, 6:56 PM
    how do you uninstall this plugin I have installed the PDF feedback and pdf submission but there is no option to uninstall them Moodle 3.1
  • Jon Shaw
    Fri, 7 Apr 2017, 9:26 PM
    Hello Davo,

    Our process queue is stuck on one or more document conversions. We are running 3.1.2, plugin version build 2016052000. I am removing records from the queue one at a time with the scheduled task running every minute. Is there a way I can run this task manually on the server with a submission id independent of the system task?

    Thank you
  • Davo
    Fri, 7 Apr 2017, 9:29 PM
    Hi Jon,

    I think you're confusing my original PDF annotation plugin with the version that is available in Moodle core (which was based on my plugin, but with a significant number of changes).

    My plugin does not have a scheduled task for converting documents (either from other documents to PDF, which my plugin does not do; or from PDF to images, which my plugin does as needed, rather than via a scheduled task).

    Try asking in the assignment forum: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=733
  • Bruno Henrique Cury
    Fri, 12 Apr 2019, 2:40 AM

    Hello guys
    Is there any way to annotate word without having to download the file?
    Thank you
  • Davo
    Fri, 12 Apr 2019, 3:09 AM
    Bruno - I don't understand your question. This plugin allows you to annotate PDF files. The core version (which has long since replaces this plugin) also includes support for converting other file types.
  • Kyoryu Kevin
    Wed, 20 Apr 2022, 7:15 PM
    Please help me davo!! I am unable to install and now stack at the update plugin page.
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