Posts made by Itamar Tzadok

The aligned view was actually designed to use simple patterns in the content columns. For custom html you should use other view types. You can use the tabular view for a tabular effect. You can also use  the grid view by setting the entry template as the tr of the entry and then enclosing the ##entries## in the view template with the table tags and header row if needed (although the editor may attempt to "fix" the broken html if you don't disable it).


Not quite. But in any case this pattern is actually designed for the view template and doesn't work in the entry template. Have you tried the following format? (remove redundant spaces between brackets)

<a href="##viewurl:Single view##&[[entryid] ]">[[Title] ]</a>

It seems to work on my end.


See if the approach suggested at works for you.

A definitive list of patterns is definitely one of the features I'd like to implement sooner than later. The docs list patterns for some of the fields. See for instance Dataformfield entryactions at Dataform_Plugins.

hth smile