Automatic group creation within course

Automatic group creation within course

av James Davidson -
Antal svar: 0

I have been running a moodle solution for 12months on 1.6.  By only using one a small number of courses taught by a dozen teachers I found enrolling students using bulk upload easy as I had already created the 8 groups that each course would be taught in.

I've been asked to extend the project to the rest of the school over the next couple of weeks.  Ready for the new school year.

I've use the hack for creating multiple courses and have created the required 512 courses for the next year but have found that you can not bulk upload in to groups that do not already exist within the courses.  The idea of anyone trying to create the necessary 4000+ groups across the multiple courses is horrific to say the least.

Can anyone point me in the right direction as I neither want to create the 4000+ courses, all be it divided in to numerous categories many of which would be identical or task some poor sod with doing it manually.

Help me please.

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