Messaging: Disable Email Notifications

Messaging: Disable Email Notifications

David M發表於
Number of replies: 3
Hello, our moodle server currently is sending alot of "Undelivered" email messages from users messaging each other witin moodle who do not have valid email addresses. This is a bit annoying to say the least, is there any way we could disable Email notifications of new messages within moodle? That way no mail would be sent in the first place. I see you can disable users email address but only on a per user basis, i would like to be able to do this for every user in moodle.

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In reply to David M

Re: Messaging: Disable Email Notifications

Art Lader發表於
Hi, David,

I thought that Moodle automatically disabled non-functioning emails after a certain number of bounces. Hmmm... Guess not. (Wonder where I got that idea.)

-- Art
In reply to Art Lader

Re: Messaging: Disable Email Notifications

ian lake發表於

In config-dist.php for Moodle 1.6.4 around line 198

The following lines are for handling email bounces.
//      $CFG->handlebounces = true;
//      $CFG->minbounces = 10;
//      $CFG->bounceratio = .20;
// The next lines are needed both for bounce handling and any other email to module processing.
// mailprefix must be EXACTLY four characters.
// Uncomment and customise this block for Postfix
//      $CFG->mailprefix = 'mdl+'; // + is the separator for Exim and Postfix.
//      $CFG->mailprefix = 'mdl-'; // - is the separator for qmail
//      $CFG->maildomain = '';


In reply to ian lake

Re: Messaging: Disable Email Notifications

David M發表於
Running moodle 1.7.1+, i ended up running a couple sql statements to solve my issue:

mysql> use moodle

mysql> UPDATE mdl_user Set emailstop = 1 WHERE emailstop = 0;

Hope this helps if anyone else needs to ever do this.