Recursive Test Creation in Moodle to Increase Student Comprehension and Reduce Teacher Workload

Recursive Test Creation in Moodle to Increase Student Comprehension and Reduce Teacher Workload

deur Dennis Daniels -
Getal antwoorde: 5
I'm seeking a coder/collaborator to help build a very much needed way of leveraging student input in the quiz database. Students should be writing the quizzes as this is an excellent way to see what a teacher has in fact taught and what the students have retained. We recognize intelligence by how well people ask and answer questions but we've no easy way of leveraging that in Moodle. Furthermore, the students' questions are often extremely good. I've put together a flowchart of the rough process here and if anyone would like access to the drawing via Gliffy to help work out the flow of this new module/process in Moodle I'd be happy to send you an invitaion. My full description of this new quiz module is here: with my latest videos on Moodle quizzes here: Many thanks!
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In antwoord op Dennis Daniels

Re: Recursive Test Creation in Moodle to Increase Student Comprehension and Reduce Teacher Workload

deur Rob Monk -

What a bloody brilliant idea.

I've had kids do quizzes in HotPot and it is a great teaching and learning activity. Way to go.

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In antwoord op Rob Monk

Re: Recursive Test Creation in Moodle to Increase Student Comprehension and Reduce Teacher Workload

deur Vinny Stocker -
Prentjie van Plugin developers


There are some replies and comments you may find useful relating to this from a similar post I made last month.

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In antwoord op Vinny Stocker

Re: Recursive Test Creation in Moodle to Increase Student Comprehension and Reduce Teacher Workload

deur Dennis Daniels -
Thanks Vinny! I just found out last night that there are some States in the US that are 'mandating' certain applications must be used in the schools for testing purposes to meet NCLB requirements! Moodle could be one of those applications if we could make it easier for teachers to manipulate student materials into questions, IMHO. My students created 100 good questions using Timothy Takemoto's XLS for the DB yesterday... it took be about an hour to grade and add the questions to the db and I've got maybe 30 assignments more to go... T grade -> T approve -> T add to db -> S take unit quiz -> T assign reading -> S create questions -> T grade ->T Approve ->T add to db-> repeat. There's serious money in testing and question databases... NCLB is Federal law (no matter your opinion on its merit) and if States are mandating testing materials then Moodle devs could really leverage the law into cash in the pocket. M.jpg
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In antwoord op Dennis Daniels

Re: Recursive Test Creation in Moodle to Increase Student Comprehension and Reduce Teacher Workload

deur Timothy Takemoto -

Very good idea.

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