Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Arasp Kazemian در
Number of replies: 16
Hey guys, 

We all know Moodle has been one of the best LMSs in the past 20 years.  Now what do you think about it in 2023? 
In LMSs like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and ....  We mainly focus on Articles/Pages to make multiple pages to have better ranking in search engines and so on ... 

The last time I was using Moodle goes back to five years ago and It looked like the website in the late 90th. left and right menus and courses in the middle. So I had to use Joomla as the main website and use Moodle inside it and then I had to connect both of these two databases using a plugin or component called Joomdle. 

so does it mean that Moodle cannot handle multiple pages, menus, themes, and CRM on its own? 

But here on, it looks like a complete website. But when we install Moodle on our servers we do not see what we expect to see. 

So is there any extra coding needed for this?  Running CMS and LMS together has its own problems. 

میانگین امتیازات:Useful (1)
In reply to Arasp Kazemian

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Arasp Kazemian در
A long time and no reply! Is the forum here dead ?
In reply to Arasp Kazemian

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Mark Johnson در
تصویر Core developers تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers تصویر Peer reviewers تصویر Plugin developers

Moodle is very definitely an LMS, a CMS serves a different purpose so if you want a system for managing website content rather than learning content you will need both.

However, as you say you have not used Moodle for several years I would highly recommend trying a current version (you can try MoodleCloud for free) as there has been a lot of interface modernisation to bring it forward from the "90s" style, and there are other themes you can try if you run your own instance.

In reply to Mark Johnson

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Arasp Kazemian در
Yeah, maybe I had to give new version a try before I post this, It's been about ten years now, I was very sucessful by integrating moodle and joomla but as you say, Maybe the current versions have already solved most of my problems. Thank you dude
In reply to Arasp Kazemian

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Joost Elshoff در
تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers تصویر Testers
Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) was never meant as a Content Management System (CMS). Joomla!, Drupal and Wordpress are CMSses, mainly used to create websites with a lot of static content, as you wouldn't expect a visitor to register for the site in order to be able to use the website's content in a more interactive way.

Moodle on the other hand is mostly focused on teachers and participants with a web based, secure course environment where they can study and learn. Moodle is browser based and appears as a 'website', but is far more complex that most CMSses. Just consider the > 1000 separate permissions you can set in the a variety of contexts (site, category, course, activity, user), or the vast number of different learning activity types you could incorporate.

There are ways to integrate a CMS frontpage with Moodle, so you have both a 'real' website and a true LMS, or you could look for a theme for Moodle that provides some website components for you to create a website-like front page.

In any case... integrations between a Student Information System, a CRM, a webshop or other web based tools and Moodle is probably the best way of getting things done. And I bet that's also common or good practice in learning organisations.
In reply to Joost Elshoff

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Visvanath Ratnaweera در
تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers تصویر Translators
Some other approaches to make Moodle more CMS-like are:
- Boost navigation fumbling
- Static Pages

Don't say they are not like this or that: They are not!

I think what the OP needs is a CMS; not Moodle.
In reply to Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Joost Elshoff در
تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers تصویر Testers
That may be so, but it's harder to make a CMS do what Moodle can, than the other way around, I think...
In reply to Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Arasp Kazemian در
Those static pages out side any course, can be quite helpful. Yeah, we can design those pages and we can make multiple pages for that. I think if can make something like the website we have gone more than half the way. In they have lots of pages explaining what Moodle is and how it works and yet they are not inside any course.
In reply to Arasp Kazemian

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Visvanath Ratnaweera در
تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers تصویر Translators is a customized and extended version of Moodle. It is also a collection of different web applications. Look at the URLS! (Forums, MoodleDocs, DevDocs, Download, Demo, Tracker, Translations). The concept is clear. I know, what you'll say, trying to imitate it! Even if that is only half the way, then you've a long way to go!
لبخند پهن
In reply to Arasp Kazemian

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Jason Grammes در
I actually agree with you. I would love to see a combination of a Moodle LMS with a CMS, or at least a plugin for a CMS that is integrated with Moodle. I can't stand Wordpress, but it seems I have no choice if I want to talk about my academy, products, courses, and services, or even a decent payment gateway, like Woo Commerce, without having to use plugins like Edwiser Bridge, to talk to each other.

Right now, I can't use WooCommerce unless I have a CMS like Wordpress. That's just one downfall. I think a CMS would add even more to the Moodle LMS.
In reply to Jason Grammes

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Ken Task در
تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers
Don't have an answer ...
just some experience with 'customer' who did their own thing for years, until it became necessary to upgrade their 3.5 moodle (thank goodness they did their 'customizations' in a /custom/ directory and never hacked core code!

Anyhoo ...


The other suggestion ... hosting itself.   Is there a provider (linux/ubuntu based for moodle to be able to use git for core) that also provides their chosen 'store fronts' that they either support directly or have experts that do.   But, be prepared to pay for it.

I have googled for such hosting ... hard to find ... you might have better luck!

You are correct ... would be nice if there were something 'official' from Moodle HQ - or a Partner.   Have you checked Moodle Partners that might specilize in store fronts?    There is one fork of Moodle which I have seen advertises (somewhat) they do such things ... Tutora.   But you don't host that.

And there is this:
Course Merchant

Good luck!

'SoS', Ken

In reply to Ken Task

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Marcus Green در
تصویر Core developers تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers تصویر Plugin developers تصویر Testers
Can my Microwave oven be combined with my Bicycle, possibly but probably not a good idea.
In reply to Marcus Green

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Visvanath Ratnaweera در
تصویر Particularly helpful Moodlers تصویر Translators
To be fair I must say the question is whether I can replace the two ovens, microwave and electric oven, with one.

The answer is always the same, "It depends". For the bachelor who lives in one room the answer is different from a family occupying a full house, possibly a garden terrace too.
In reply to Jason Grammes

Re: Does moodle (LMS) need a CMS for best result?

از Arasp Kazemian در
The problem is when we talk about CMS we all take wordpress into consideration, About 10 years ago I was using Joomla and Moodle together and I was using Joomdle to sync the databases, You know everything was working great. I could use CRM systems of Joomla , Acymailing, a membership like Akeeba Subscriptions component for enrolling members to moodle. and .... You know , like it or not like it, Moodle as the most sophisticated LMS is not userfriendly and not very search engine friendly as well. I have heard that the best CMS to be integrated with Moodle is Drupal. But you know drupal is difficult to learn at the first place.