Teacher role not able to view the Settings block

Teacher role not able to view the Settings block

by Rod Spears -
Number of replies: 1
We have recently found that people assigned the role of teacher are not able to view the Course Settings block.
However, they are still able to view URLs that point directly to items in the menu. For example, they can view enrolled users if the URL is pasted in their browser. 

When we check permissions for the settings block we can see that the teacher role is allowed to view the block. We have the same problem with the manager role. That role is allowed to view the block, but that does not happen when they login to the course page. 

Any ideas about what is missing? 

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Re: Teacher role not able to view the Settings block

by Rod Spears -
Just in case anyone is interested, we had removed permission to "view block" for the authenticated user role in the setting block when troubleshooting another issue.