No editing buttons, just an odd dropdown menu

Re: No editing buttons, just an odd dropdown menu

על ידי Janice Reid בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 2
Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. My apologies to Gregory posting about a different issue in this thread. I thought it was the same, from the description given.

  • I've tried Chrome, Safari and Firefox in OS, all with the same results. I've tried Chrome in Windows, also same results.
  • I've asked the admin in NZ (our IT guy) if he's okay with me changing the theme - waiting to hear back. I suspect not, as he spent quite a bit of time tweaking it after the upgrade.
  • Connectivity is likely an issue as I'm in Malaysia and since the lockdown, the internet has been much slower. But things work perfectly in MoodleCloud, so I'm not sure why the difference.

Anyway, you've given me some ideas, so will keep trying.



בתגובה ל: Janice Reid

Re: No editing buttons, just an odd dropdown menu

על ידי Rick Jerz בתאריך
תמונה של Particularly helpful Moodlers תמונה של Testers
As a suggestion, ask your IT guy to fix the problem. Then he might understand.

Actually Janice, you said, "In our recently-upgraded version of Moodle 3.8.3+ (Build: 20200527) on both iOS and Windows 10." And your problem might be different than Gregory's, as John noted. There are several questions that this raises: 1) You upgraded from which earlier version? 2) How did you upgrade? 3) How are you running Moodle in IOS and Windows since Moodle typically runs in a linux-type server, and it is difficult to run a Moodle in both iOS and Windows10 at the same time?  Are you running a local AMP version? 4) Who did the upgrade, your "IT guy?"