Clooze numerical question marks a correct numeric answer as wrong while using a comma as a decimal separato

Re: Clooze numerical question marks a correct numeric answer as wrong while using a comma as a decimal separato

av Ileana Bladé Mendoza -
Antall svar: 0
In the end it did work. It just didn´t work upon regrade or when building on a previous attempt. But with a new attempt it worked.

As for the second issue, I think what happened is I had made a comment in the grade (without changing the 0 grade) and somehow, the comment locked the grade and it would not regrade. If I erase the comment it still won't regrade, but says it needs regrading, so I ended up having to regrade manually. Still it was confusing that the question appeared as partially correct and with partial credit but then the comment overrode the actual grade.

But at least it makes sense that one question got partial credit upon regrading, and this one, with the comment, did not.
