Enrollment agreement for each course in self enrollment

Enrollment agreement for each course in self enrollment

Vishal Lanke -
Vastausten määrä: 3

When students enroll themselves in a course, they are asked something like "You are about to enroll yourself as a student in this course. Are you sure you want to do this?"

If they agree by selecting check box or radio button, then only Enrol Me button gets enabled.

Is there any such field inside self enrollment module or is there a way to edit php code or a hack ?

Arviointien keskiarvo: -
Vastaus Vishal Lanke

Re: Enrollment agreement for each course in self enrollment

Kirsten Konert -


sorry, I don't have an answer, but I am looking for something similar. I would not only like to change the text in general, but would also like to be able to adapt the text individually for each course. There is certainly a plugin for "course-specific terms of use", isn't there? Unfortunately I haven't found it yet.

Looking forward to ideas hymy

Best wishes, Kirsten

Vastaus Kirsten Konert

Re: Enrollment agreement for each course in self enrollment

Vishal Lanke -

What I did is that I added text inside Self Enrollment. Therefore, before enrollment (Enroll button), use can see custom text in Bold. 

Temporary, this solve my issue.

For example, inside my organization, for a particular training lets say Angular Advance, I want user to know that this training is for Developer and I agree that I am aware of Angular Basics.

So before enrollment user will see - 

"I agree that I am Developer and I am aware of Basic Concepts of Angular"

Them inside mail section of self enrollment, we have configured custom email text that send garment in email.