Combined selection of tags in Moodle 3.2

Combined selection of tags in Moodle 3.2

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Hello, I have tagged my courses in moodle 3.2, with

1. language tags

2. topic category tags

In the tag cloud. both the language and topic category tags appear and I can select each of them (one at a time).

Is there any way I can select at the same time BOTH a language tag AND a topic category tag, so that it shows me only the specific topic category in that specific language?

Is there any way it can be done using tags? Any modifications to the core or any plugin that can do it?

This combined tag "search" is really important, as users have already tagged the courses that way.

Note, I do not mind to use the tag cloud functionality (click on the tag in the cloud), as I see that each tag there has a specific URL. If I could add one more tag in this URL that would be ok for me.

I will create a grid of icons later on with these URLS.

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