Authoring options

Re: Authoring options

Derek Chirnside發表於
Number of replies: 0

Zero, this is an interesting challenge.


SCORM in Moodle has some deployment problems to look good in both mobile and desktop, at least as far as I have been able to go:

See for instance.  At present I have given up.  There is a special window proposal here:

Totara (a Moodle fork) has implemented this, or something like this.


Have you checked:

Evolve content authoring tool:
Other links: I have got nice looking evolve SCORMS but there are Moodle deployment issues I could not solve.  I suspect they CAN be solved.  But the issue is "do they look beautiful when implemented in Moodle?"
Bloom is their CMS. 

Grav "Flat file responsive CMS".
Mother ship:  Educational use:
Why I like this:

  1. It is beautiful
  2. It can be created with Markup
  3. Plugins mean you can set up access quite easily
  4. Nice community

There are some other options (eg H5P, a Moodle implementation of Reveal.js, slideshows . . .) but as far as I can find, all suffer from the problem you mention.


Good luck.


Who is fully aware beautiful is a subjective term.  But I know it when I see it.  微笑