Error trying checking available updates

Re: Error trying checking available updates

av Dinis Medeiros -
Antal svar: 2
Bild av Plugin developers

After contacting the technical support of my moodle site (11 days waiting) the answer was:
The ip address of Cpanel (my internet hosting) is blocked in the Moodle entity updates machine.
You are requested to communicate the situation to the Moodle entity in an attempt to remove the block from that particular ip.
Is this possible? How contact the Moodle entity updates machine?

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Som svar till Dinis Medeiros

Re: Error trying checking available updates

av Joaquin Fiestas -
Hi, I have the same problem, and the response from my server is to refer me to your forum message. Did you get it fixed? How did you get in touch with moodle?
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Som svar till Joaquin Fiestas

Re: Error trying checking available updates

av Howard Miller -
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The most likely reason is that your Moodle site cannot contact the moodle upgrade service because of some firewall configuration.

This depends on how your site is installed or hosted. I'm going to guess you are using a host and should probably contact their technical support people. 

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