2.8.3 Live timer on the lesson page

Re: 2.8.3 Live timer on the lesson page

by Wendi Daniels -
Number of replies: 4

Here are the instructions in the ftp file:   

 Below is the code that is used to call this page:

    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
        echo "var starttime = ". $timer->starttime . ";\n";
        echo "var servertime = ". time() . ";\n";
        echo "var testlength = ". $lesson->timelimit .";\n";
        echo "document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"liveclock_lite.js\"><\/script>');\n";
        echo "window.onload = function () { show_clock(); }";
    echo "</script>\n";

In reply to Wendi Daniels

Re: 2.8.3 Live timer on the lesson page

by Wendi Daniels -

Does anyone have an idea as to where this is to be installed in the ftp files?

In reply to Wendi Daniels

Re: 2.8.3 Live timer on the lesson page

by Wendi Daniels -


In reply to Wendi Daniels

Re: 2.8.3 Live timer on the lesson page

by Wendi Daniels -

We need a visual clock to go along with the "time spent" in lesson.

In reply to Wendi Daniels

Re: 2.8.3 Live timer on the lesson page

by Wendi Daniels -

Here is the code for the timer. It uses "timespent" in the code, but we need the clock to count down as it does, and reflect the minimum time spent before progressing on to the next lesson. Right now it is linked to timelimit, and it reflects the maximum time you have to complete the course. How do we change this?


// This code is based off of
// "Live Clock Lite" script - Version 1.0
// By Mark Plachetta (astroboy@zip.com.au)
// The original script displayed a clock.
// Mark Nielsen modified it to be a countdown timer
// for the lesson module in moodle.
//    Below is the code that is used to call this page.
//    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
//        echo "var starttime = ". $timer->starttime . ";\n";
//        echo "var servertime = ". time() . ";\n";
//        echo "var testlength = ". $lesson->timespent .";\n";
//        echo "document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"liveclock_lite.js\"><\/script>');\n";
//        echo "window.onload = function () { show_clock(); }";
//    echo "</script>\n";

    var stopclock = 0;
    var myclock = '';
    var timespent, hours, minutes, secs;
    var javatimeDate = new Date();
    var javatime = javatimeDate.getTime();
    javatime = Math.floor(javatime / 1000);

    if (typeof(clocksettings) != 'undefined') {
        if (clocksettings.starttime) {
            starttime = parseInt(clocksettings.starttime);
        if (clocksettings.servertime) {
            servertime = parseInt(clocksettings.servertime);
        if (clocksettings.timespent) {
            timespent = parseInt(clocksettings.timespent);

    difference = javatime - servertime;
    starttime = starttime + difference;

    /*function leave() {  // feable attempt to run a script when someone leaves a timed test early, failed so far
        window.onunload = window.open('http://www.google.com','','toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,height=500,width=500');

    function show_clock() {

        currentDate = new Date();
        current = currentDate.getTime();
        current = Math.floor(current / 1000);

        var mytime = '',
            myclock = document.getElementById("lesson-timer");
        if (current > starttime + timespent) {
            mytime += M.util.get_string('timespent', 'lesson');
            stopclock = 1;
        } else {
            timespent = starttime + timespent - current;
            if (timespent < 60) {
                myclock.className = "timeleft1";
            hours = Math.floor(timespent / 3600);
            timespent = timespent - (hours * 3600);
            minutes = Math.floor(timespent / 60);
            secs = timespent - (minutes * 60);

            if (secs < 10) {
                secs = "0" + secs;
            if (minutes < 10) {
                minutes = "0" + minutes;
            mytime += hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + secs;

        myclock.innerHTML = mytime;

        if (stopclock == 0) {
            setTimeout("show_clock()", 1000);