Proof of own work ? What's the best way to answer this?

Re: Proof of own work ? What's the best way to answer this?

by ryan sanders -
Number of replies: 0

things i remember doing... parents helping out, tutor helping out, other friends helping out, baby sitter helping out, other classmates helping out. 

many times work was copied and adjusted some. some times, info was walked through,  asking myself or other person,  and given some options, then they would write it out word for word. to what ever ways one could get away with. 

i doubt your going to get away from above, from past to any time in the future.  some of the stuff sent home for homework "is plain frustrating" at times,  from student to parents points of views and dealing with it.   at times i would think homework was sent out on purpose just to see how much interaction student had with others and getting it done.   home with emphasis on "WORK",  does not implied personalized work but teamwork at times. 

i like idea of an extra area for person filling out steps taken to help student.  but having it forced as a requirement? i don't know.  needed for some students and more so individualized situations possibly.  getting a dialog going between teacher, student, parent (person helping) might be better approach.  if you placed zero on paper, might of been a bit extreme, vs sending a note/email/txt or something for asking about this or that. 

teaching in itself is a learned trade,  you just do not hop in it and peddle to the floor board.  some folks are better than others at teaching. 

i always hated when teachers would require "show work written in pen / pencil" for say figuring out a math problem. but there really is no way to obtain what happen in a given situation for grammar, and folks helping a student via communication.   even if everything was recorded say a video file... does a teacher really have time to listen to all the crud and misc things carried on as things were worked out?

instead of extra work for who ever is helping student,  require student to fill in a couple fields of who helped them, and how they helped them.  let them select a drop down menu... of options that go basically complete cheating,  or took a few minutes to walk student through things? KISS (keep it simply stupid) less work in getting feedback, more likely it will get done and feedback obtained.