highlighting of correct answer is missing in Moodle 1.5

Re: highlighting of correct answer is missing in Moodle 1.5

Julian Sedding
Vastuste arv 4
I have looked into the code that determines which of the options are set and which ones aren't. There was a slight mistake in the logic, which should be the cause for the issue with highlighting of correct responses. I have fixed this in CVS (for 1.5 stable and 1.6 dev). It is still possible that there are issues with some of the themes, however, I doubt that that's the case.


PS: See also the discussion at http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=26526
Vastuses Julian Sedding

Re: highlighting of correct answer is missing in Moodle 1.5

James Robertson

Thanks, I had reported it as a bug and I see that it has been closed.  I saw only two files that had changed so I downloaded them to my localhost.  As far as I can tell, the "Later" option works correctly now, but the "After Quiz Closes" still does not work.  I am going to check a little more then post an addendum to the bug report if necessary.

Incidentally, what are the rules for highlighting appearing later?  Does it require exiting the quiz only, logging out, or some amount of time passage, or a combination of these?  I get the highlights showing up later, but so far have not identified the minimal conditions for the highlights to appear under the "Later" option.



Vastuses Julian Sedding

Re: highlighting of correct answer is missing in Moodle 1.5

James Robertson

A few minutes later...

The error is in quiz/localib.php, line 2596  where QUIZ_REVIEW_OPEN needs to be replaced with QUIZ_REVIEW_CLOSED.  Here is my copy with that change, but could someone please check it and post it to CVS?  I have added a similar note to the bug tracker under bug #3884.

Also, it looks like the only criteria for LATER as opposed to IMMEDIATELY is that the quiz is still open and it is more than 2 minutes since completing the quiz.  Any problems with changing it to 5 minutes (300 seconds)?



Vastuses James Robertson

Re: highlighting of correct answer is missing in Moodle 1.5

Julian Sedding
You're exactly right off course! I just made the same copy & paste error that lead to the bug as it was before segaduses I just comitted the (hopefully finally) correct version of locallib to CVS.

As I understand it (and I didn't implement the review options, so I may be wrong), the difference between IMMEDIATELY and LATER is that IMMEDIATELY allows reviewing for the 2 minutes you mentioned (review.php, line 52) and LATER allows reviewing IMMEDIATELY and until the quiz closes. So setting this to 5 minutes should not cause any problems, only IMMEDIATELY would be a longer time span. I guess that the allowed 2 minutes are a tolerance interval, which is there to make sure that even via a slow connection students can review their attempt when they are redirected to the review page directly after submitting the quiz.

I hope this bug is done with now naeratus

Vastuses Julian Sedding

Re: highlighting of correct answer is missing in Moodle 1.5

Julian Sedding
I stumbled over this again today and it is as you said; the IMMEDIATELY option is currently active for 2 minutes. If you want to change this, you have to do so at two places:

review.php, line 52
locallib.php, line 2580
