Moodle 2.5 forum issue: Cannot move discussion to all other forums

Moodle 2.5 forum issue: Cannot move discussion to all other forums

av Lucinde Bongers -
Antall svar: 2


We are working on Moodle 2.5.3. In my organization the forum is a very popular way to communicate with students, not just in general but also for home assignments. That means a typical course can have a lot of forums, between 12 - 25. That might be the cause of my problem.

The case is this: when we want to move a discussion thread from one forum to another, the drop down list shows only a very limited (and seemingly random) list of forums, only 4 or 5. Usually the forum we want to move the discussion to is not in this selection(Murphy's law probably).

Does anyone know if this is indeed caused by our large number of courses or might there be another reason? And does anyone have an idea how I can fix this? I have searched the Moodle docs and the forum discussions here in the forum already but I haven't been able to find anything.

I hope you can help. 

Kind regards,


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Som svar til Lucinde Bongers

Re: Moodle 2.5 forum issue: Cannot move discussion to all other forums

av Lucinde Bongers -

Nobody has a clue? We have upgraded to 2.6 in the mean time. That fixed a few issues but not this one unfortunately...

Som svar til Lucinde Bongers

Re: Moodle 2.5 forum issue: Cannot move discussion to all other forums

av Tsetseg-Ulzii Yadamsuren -

Have you solved this problem?

I just had the same, and found that the forums I wanted move to were "A single simple discussion". So I changed it into "Standard forum for general use", then it worked.
