Ideas needed for improving the lesson settings page

Ideas needed for improving the lesson settings page

از Helen Foster در
Number of replies: 3
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Dear Lesson fans,

Coming soon in Moodle 2.5 are forms with collapsible sections. You can see them in action on the QA testing site. چشمان گشاد

Consequently, many of the activity settings pages now need some reorganising in order to make the most of this new functionality.

Please find attached screenshot of Fred's suggested lesson settings page reorganisation, with new sections Availability and Appearance, from MDL-39270. Please help us to come up with the best possible arrangement by letting us know what you think of it, and whether you have any other ideas for rearranging the lesson settings page.

Attachment bonfire-screenshot-20130422-162835-204.png
میانگین امتیازات:Useful (2)
In reply to Helen Foster

Re: Ideas needed for improving the lesson settings page

از Bernard Boucher در

Hi Helen,

              great addon چشمک 

      Is it possible to "save" the forms in an "collapsibleted" state ( some sections open some close as the user let it ) and with some default values stored. That way it should be possible to recall one of the saved forms for a particular usage: for the lesson a "simple" form could be use by novice lesson user without frighting them will all options.

If the same type of forms are used in the lesson question interface then the same principle could be applied to questions form to remember and to choose the degree of  complexity desired چشمک

The same should apply to all other modules that use form ( orthogonality )!

Thanks to Fred!


Salutations from Québec,





In reply to Bernard Boucher

Re: Ideas needed for improving the lesson settings page

از Frédéric Massart ⭐ در
تصویر Core developers تصویر Plugin developers تصویر Testers

And thanks (in random order) to Ruslan Kabalin, Helen Foster and Mary Cooch for their help, feedbacks, code, opinions, and time spent on these issues as well!

I am not a big fan of remembering which sections were collapsed or expanded. First of all, that means we need to save the status of each form you're visiting. This could either be done in the database, or in a cookie, but one way or the other it's a lot of statuses to save. Also, this could ruin the goal we're trying to achieve...

Assuming I am new to Moodle, and I add a new Lesson. I will eventually expand all the sections because I'm curious... next time I will open the form, all the sections would be expanded and I'll be lost. Also, assuming that I have different lessons, each will have different sections expanded and collapsed, which will confuse me as well.

I think it's safer not to remember the statuses during navigation. Though, please note that if the form does not get validated, the sections will get the same statuses as before you submitted the form. With the exceptions of sections with advanced/errors which will be expanded by default.