Installation problems and warning messages

Installation problems and warning messages

Céline Godet -


I'm trying to install Moodle and I have a lot of warning messages preventing me from configuring it. My web host is Free and I'm using the mysql database it provides. I tried Moodle locally with easyphp and everything was ok.

Here is the first warning message I get when I'm asked to choose a language :

Warning: Unknown(): open(/var/www/, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0

Then when I click on next, I get a whole list of warning messages such as :

Warning: file_exists(): Unable to access /lang/en/install.php in /var/www/ on line 2310

Warning: file_exists(): Unable to access /mod/install/lang/en/install.php in /var/www/ on line 2322

When I transferred the files with ftp, it said that there was a problem with the files moodle/lang/en/fonts/default.ttf and moodle/lang/pl/admin.php

Thanks for your help in advance,


回复Céline Godet

Re: Installation problems and warning messages

Joseph Rézeau -
Core developers的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Plugin developers的头像 Testers的头像 Translators的头像
Vous n'arriverez pas à faire tourner Moodle chez free. En effet, bien qu'on puisse y exécuter du PHP on n'a pas accès au paramétrage CHMOD.
回复Joseph Rézeau

Re: Installation problems and warning messages

Céline Godet -

Merci pour votre réponse. Quels fournisseurs d'accès gratuits qui fonctionneraient avec Moodle puis-je utiliser ?


回复Céline Godet

Re: Installation problems and warning messages

Joseph Rézeau -
Core developers的头像 Particularly helpful Moodlers的头像 Plugin developers的头像 Testers的头像 Translators的头像
Je n'en connais pas. Il faut probablement passer par un fournisseur payant.