Video Tutorial - Install Moodle on a virtual Box from scratch

Re: Video Tutorial - Install Moodle on a virtual Box from scratch

por Jason Morgan -
Número de respostas: 1

Great tutorial and videos!

One quick question though, after I added the :1080 to my config.php in the >wwwroot  I can access it from outside the VM fine but he says I need to change the name of my wwwroot but doesn't explain any further.

Any suggestions?

Em resposta a 'Jason Morgan'

Re: Video Tutorial - Install Moodle on a virtual Box from scratch

por Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Foto de Particularly helpful Moodlers Foto de Translators
Bit late, I know. Just in case anybody else having the same problem.

That is why I advice bridged networking instead of NAT and port forwarding. See this post above. Then the VM is in the same LAN with the host and other computers in that LAN.

If not clear, just ask!