ZiLink - Teacher Enrolment

Enrolment ::: enrol_zilink
Maintained by LogoSchoolsICT Support
Part of set ZiLink.
The ZiLink plugins work together - please ensure you download and install the full set of ZiLink plugins. The extent of integration depends on the data being available within the school MIS. Data integration is supplied by ZiNET Connect - 30-day trial, ZiLink Community Programme or Premier Support is available.
Latest release:
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Current versions available: 5

Parental Engagement

Engaging parents in their child’s learning is a powerful tool to enhance progress and attainment. Research has shown that many parents are keen to be involved and given the correct support will actively help their children.

There is a great deal of research evidence supporting the positive impact on a child’s learning due to positive parental involvement. The Impact of Parental Involvement on Children’s Education published by the Department for Education demonstrates that clearly. In ‘Engaging Parents in Raising Achievement Do Parents Know They Matter?’ a research project by SSAT “It was clear from the research literature that what makes the difference to student achievement is not parental involvement in schooling but parental engagement in learning in the home.”

ZiLink brings together data from the school MIS such as attainment, targets, progress, behaviour, attendance and presents it alongside Moodle Gradebook data to provide parents with a whole picture of their child’s achievement.

Homework Management

For parents

A key element in a parent’s engagement in their child’s learning is guiding and supporting the homework activities that have been set within Moodle. ZiLink includes a new Moodle activity called ‘Homework’ which enables a teacher to gather resources and activities together as a homework which is then presented to both parents and students.

For teachers

For teachers, a homework becomes a more manageable activity where not only can they assemble a homework from existing resources and activities but also monitor student progress and be proactive in encouraging students to complete on time. Now includes Homework Reports for school/academy leaders.

For students

Students can be notified of a Homework Activity being set and they will see it listed within ZiLink’s Student View. Each Homework Activity will display a due date and be identified as ‘Assigned’, ‘Attempted’ or ‘Overdue’ has a direct link to the activity without the need to navigate through courses and topics making it very easy for students to organise their work.

Parent Evening Organisation

A Parent Evening is probably one of the most important opportunities that parents have to discuss their child’s education with teachers but organising a Parent Evening can be a logistical nightmare taking many hours of hard work contacting parents, arranging and sometimes re-arranging appointments! Even a well organised evening can become difficult to manage.

ZiLink’s Guardian Scheduler removes a number of the potential hazards that can occur during organisation and execution ensuring a Parent evening will run smoothly with everybody knowing who they’re meeting and the time they will meet. Even last minute changes can be accommodated.

Teachers: Progression Data

Having access to attainment and target data from your school MIS is vitally important to understand the progress that each student is making. ZiLink’s Class View is a comprehensive view of attainment and progress data held in your school MIS, and Moodle tasks/activities with Moodle Gradebook.

Timetables and Room Booking

Plus, students and teachers will love using their timetable to navigate their courses quickly and easily. Any changes to their groups made in the MIS are reflected in ZiLink. Teachers can book rooms, such as IT Suites, from within Moodle – student and teacher room changes are immediately visible in their ZiLink timetables. All room data is based on your MIS – any changes made in your MIS, are reflected in ZiLink.

Enhanced Moodle Administration

Moodle administration is significantly reduced saving valuable technical time and increasing efficiency. Data interoperability between the school MIS and Moodle is efficient, secure and reliable. Contains all the core administrative features and adds ease of functionality.

ZiLink for Moodle supports Moodle Administrators by enabling increased efficiency, reduced duplication and error, and reduced compatibility issues. ICT Services within the school will experience reduced support costs, reduction in time managing multiple data sources and savings in investment by using existing systems and infrastructure.

Moodle Administrators can focus on supporting teaching and learning through their work with teachers in creating interactive courses and course content ready for today’s students and their learning.


SchoolsICT Support (Lead maintainer)
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