Course overview lite

Blocks ::: block_course_overview_lite
Maintained by Josh Stagg, Trevor Jones
The Course overview lite block is faster and lighter replacement for the default Course Overview block. Features include; ajax course detailed overview, active course highlighting, users can hide specific courses, users can reorder the course listing, customizable alert area, toggle simplified and detailed course views, and improved page load speed.
Latest release:
1 sites
Current versions available: 1

What does it do?

The Course overview lite block is faster and lighter replacement for the default Course Overview block. This block will attempt to first load a course list from the internal moodle navigation followed by a redundant fail-over of ajax course loading and finally falling back to the default behaviour.

Feature List

  • Ajax course detailed overview
  • Active course highlighting
  • Users can hide specific courses
  • Users can reorder the course listing
  • Customizable alert area
  • Toggle simplified and detailed course views
  • Improved page load speed


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Josh Stagg (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • David Mudrák
    Fri, 11 July 2014, 8:08 PM
    Hi guys. Thanks for sharing this block with the community. I found the block quite useful and significantly extending the potential
    of the My home page. Well done!

    Can you please review all your @package and @copyright tags. The package should be your block frankenstyle name and we prefer
    maintainers put their own names into the @copyright tags so that other people are not mentioned in the code they never saw. It's
    fair and enough if you just mention in the README that your block's code was based on some others' work (such as
    block_course_overview by Adam Olley in your case).

    You may wish to check the strings yet. In Moodle English language pack we do not use capitalized letters in headings and titles. To
    make your block's name consistent with the Moodle UI, I would suggest calling it 'Course overview lite' or so.

    In order to prevent eventual collisions, the user preferences you work with should ideally start with the frankenstyle name of your
    block. I know the core itself has not always followed this guideline. But you may wish to fix it now before your plugin become
    popular - and there is a big chance it will! On similar note, please consider using alternative serialization method to the
    in-built serialize() function. Can you possibly store the data in JSON format? serialize() in PHP has potential security issues and
    we try to encourage the community to avoid it if possible.

    I would be happy to approve this right now as I really like your block. I am going to mark it as needing more work though to give
    you a chance to address the raised issues. Things like this are much harder to upgrade than start with them from the Day 0. Please
    submit the plugin for re-approval once you are happy with things.
  • Frankie's the name, Moodle's my game!
    Fri, 14 Aug 2015, 11:18 AM
    Any chance of getting this plugin to work with versions 2.6 and greater (i.e., Moodle 2.9)?
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