MoodleDT - Development Tools Plugins for Moodle

Administration tool ::: tool_moodledt
Maintained by Luciano Oliveira Borges, iAutomate Integração de Sistemas
This plugin is a set of tools to assist in developing plugins in Moodle.
Latest release:
3 sites
9 fans
Current versions available: 1

This plugin is a set of tools to assist in developing plugins in Moodle.

Tools include in this plugin:

  • Creates a package with all the plugin files.
  • Creates a package with the modified files of the selected plugin from date.
  • Analyzes the language packs in search of inconsistencies in the supported languages.
  • Analyzes the lack of the index.html file in the plugin folders.
  • Bookmark for save plugins in development.
  • Order tags in language packs.
  • Insert index file in folders of plugins.
  • Languages supported: pt_br, en, es.



- This plugin is in beta stage of development.


Presented at the conference MoodleMoot Brazil 2014

Potential privacy issues

The use this plugin isn't recomended in Moodle of production, use only in enviroment of development.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7


Luciano Oliveira Borges (Lead maintainer)
iAutomate Integração de Sistemas
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  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    śr., 12 lut 2014, 11:29
    Hi, thanks for sharing this. This is for work on core standard plugins or for all plugins?

    Also look through to see if you could add anymore urls, you might have to request for a component in tracker (contrib).
  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    śr., 19 lut 2014, 12:08
    This seems to function as a plugin management tool for developers which currently has packaging up for quick zips and some useful language file usage analysis. It may be better if future work was targeted towards core moodle as it can be very relevant there in future. Core has its own language management system which integrates with AMOS and a growing plugin management system (could add a zip up for download in there).
  • Luciano Oliveira Borges
    czw., 20 lut 2014, 05:20
    Aparup Banerjee thanks for support and the tool of analyze language is more simple only detect lost strings in plugin, before send to AMOS.
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