Tiny HTML Blocks

TinyMCE ::: tiny_htmlblock
Maintained by Stephan Robotta
A plugin for the TinyMCE editor to insert predefined HTML blocks when editing a text in Moodle. This enables users that are not so experienced in HTML still use predefined snippets in places containing text. The idea is to have Moodle courses designed in an appealing way and only using the WYSIWYG mode of the editor. Also the courses and other places look more alike and preserve a certain corporate identity using the same snippets.
Latest release:
87 sites
6 fans
Current versions available: 1

To design Moodle courses in an appealing way, a good design is required. This demands some knowledge in HTML. In contrast, most teachers lack knowledge in web technologies if they are involved in non-technical subjects. Also, less technical experienced teacher try to avoid the source code view of the editor and rather rely on the WYSIWYG mode.

In addition, even though having different courses, the look and feel should be very similar throughout Moodle and should follow the corporate design. This requires that the courses are styled in the same way.

This plugin allows the administrators of moodle to define some more sophisticated HTML blocks with inline styling. These so defined blocks can be easily inserted by a teacher without the need to modify the HTML itself.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Stephan Robotta (Lead maintainer)
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Тафсирҳо инъикос карда шаванд
  • Plugins bot
    Шнб 2 Сен 2023, 01:40
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-9367
  • Nguyen Van Hung
    Яшб 3 Мар 2024, 11:24
    Does this plugin can make font colors? Thanks.
  • Stephan Robotta
    Дшб 4 Мар 2024, 15:35

    this plugin is intented to provide predesigned html blocks that are setup by the admin and can be used by teachers when creating and designing their course content. You might be better of with https://moodle.org/plugins/tiny_fontcolor that is designed to change the color of a font.
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