
Themes ::: theme_uikit
Maintained by Eduardo Ramos
This theme is built from its core to work with UIkit (a framework similar to Twitter Bootstrap). It is designed to be easily customizable using an interactive visual styles manager.
Latest release:
63 sites
18 fans
Current versions available: 1

UIkit Theme for Moodle

  • Features a very advanced and interactive visual styles customizer
  • 3 base themes to build your site appearance
  • 2 different page layouts: the original Grid based layout and a new one based on new CSS Flex features
  • Fully responsive design
  • Support of Google fonts
  • Integrates Fontawesome 4.5 for displaying most icons in Moodle
  • A renovated Slideshow with many animations and effects, marketing spots and social networks for your site frontpage like in the essential theme
  • Many other cool features such as: login page and navigation menu customization, possibility of showing only enrolled courses in combo lists and google analytics integration

It supports Moodle 2.5 to 3.0

License GNU GPL v3 or later

This theme is based on the UIkit CSS framework version 2.24.3 (http://www.getuikit.com).

It is inspired by bootstrapbase theme and essential theme (https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=theme_essential). A big thank you to the creators of these two themes.

Many features and settings are based on the essential theme, while others are new for this theme, specially the visual style manager.

This theme includes an advanced Visual Style Customizer to change the appearance of the whole site with a few clicks. This customizer is inspired by the UIkit customizer (http://www.getuikit.com/docs/customizer.html)

Notice: these theme is NOT an official UIkit team release.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5


Eduardo Ramos (Lead maintainer)
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Yorumları göster
  • Guillaume Allègre
    Per, 17 Mar 2016, 5:12 Öğleden Sonra
    Hi Eduardo, and many thanks for your work.
    About the "repeated names in sections", you wrote "These problems should be fixed with the new release."

    Could you please precise the specific commit of the fix ? I can't apply directly the whole update, because I have local modifications.
    Thank you.
  • Eduardo Ramos
    Per, 17 Mar 2016, 5:49 Öğleden Sonra
  • Sebastián Villalba
    Per, 17 Mar 2016, 11:24 Öğleden Sonra
    Hola Eduardo!. Espero que estés muy bien. Quería consultarte acerca de la posibilidad de incluir algo que (según me dijeron, yo no recuerdo) antes estaba disponible y en las nuevas versiones desapareció y es la posibilidad de mover secciones enteras dentro de un curso. Por ejemplo, "Tema 3" moverlo hacia arriba o abajo, con todas las actividades y recursos que lo componen. Antes aparecían al lado del nombre de la sección (o semana en caso que sea formato semanal) unas "cruces" cuádruples, como las que sirven para mover bloques, Espero ser claro. ¡Saludos!
  • Janice Johnson
    Çar, 13 Nis 2016, 7:21 Öğleden Sonra
    Hello Eduardo - I just migrated my moodle site from a classic host to a cpanel host. All works fine, except for the my frontpage slideshow. I get the following error when I click Administration > Appearance > Themes > UIKit > Frontpage Slideshow: Can not read file, either file does not exist or there are permission problems.

    This error is related to https://docs.moodle.org/30/en/error/moodle/storedfilecannotread

    Can you tell my which file is missing?

  • Eduardo Ramos
    Çar, 13 Nis 2016, 8:49 Öğleden Sonra
    Hi Janice,
    It could be any moodle file, but in case your copy is missing a file from this them, it probably is moodle/theme/uikit/settings/slideshow.php

    Anyway you should review that all your files were copied correctly.
  • Niall Sheehan
    Pzt, 25 Nis 2016, 11:02 Öğleden Sonra
    Having an issue when trying to use a background image. The UIKIT settings for background tiles the background only. It would be nice if settings like cover, no-repeat, fixed could be selected instead. Using the background image selected under UIKIT > General Settings is impossible to find with Firebug so modifying the CSS here hasn't helped. The classes called in the body tag change based on content, too many options to ensure that the static background image is displayed on all pages.

    Would it be possible to add some options in the Customizer? Or point me to the correct class to add the required styles?

    Thank you
  • Eduardo Ramos
    Sal, 26 Nis 2016, 3:48 Öğleden önce
    Hi Niall,
    I had that mostly implemented but didn't work very well...: https://github.com/eduramiba/moodle-theme-uikit/issues/36

    The page background is currently in the html element, maybe you can change it with some custom CSS
  • yael duckwen
    Çar, 15 Haz 2016, 5:12 Öğleden önce
    Hola Eduardo, muchas gracias por este gran trabajo!
    Tengo una duda, quiero agregar algunas clases de Uikit (trabajo con el hace un tiempo ya) en el sistema de moodle, pero tengo la duda de que si cuando instale futuras actualizaciones de tu theme estos cambios que hice desaparecerán.
    Muchas gracias!
  • Eduardo Ramos
    Çar, 15 Haz 2016, 3:44 Öğleden Sonra
    Hola Yael,
    Depende de como introduzcas esos cambios. Modificas el código del tema? En ese caso sí los perderás al actualizar.
    Lo que puedes hacer es un fork del repositorio git e ir haciendo merge de mis futuros cambios en tu fork.
  • Alex Ferrer
    Çar, 20 Tem 2016, 6:43 Öğleden Sonra
    Hola Eduardo,
    ¿Hay prevista una nueva versión del tema para Moodle 3.1?
    He instalado la última versión del tema en una instalación local de moodle 3.1 y no va muy fina.
    Gracias por tu trabajo.
  • Eduardo Ramos
    Per, 21 Tem 2016, 2:30 Öğleden önce
    Hola Alex,
    Hay prevista una nueva versión pero no sé cuando podrá ser https://github.com/eduramiba/moodle-theme-uikit/issues/46
  • Sebastián Villalba
    Sal, 31 Oca 2017, 12:28 Öğleden önce
    Hola Eduardo. Nuevamente muchas gracias por tu trabajo. Por cuestiones de seguridad, antes de arrancar un nuevo año lectivo llevo mi Moodle a la última versión disponible. Actualmente estoy con la 3.2.1 y dejó de funcionar la opción "Cambiar rol a...". Aparentemente es un cambio en Moodle que hizo que esa opción deje de funcionar para muchos aspectos[1], excepto los provistos en las nuevas versiones como Boost. ¿Se podrá hacer que aparezca esa nueva opción?. ¡Saludos y muchas gracias!
    [1]: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=326804#p1396075
  • Eduardo Ramos
    Sal, 31 Oca 2017, 4:13 Öğleden önce
    Hola Sebastián, la última versión en la que he probado el tema satisfactoriamente es Moodle 3.0. Para soportar Moodle 3.1 correctamente hacían falta ciertos cambios algo complejos (https://github.com/eduramiba/moodle-theme-uikit/issues/46), y para 3.2 ni si quiera lo he podido comprobar. La verdad es que en estos momentos necesitaría ayuda para poder mantener el tema por falta de recursos.
    Hi Sebastián, the last version I sucessfully tested this theme is Moodle 3.0. In order to support Moodle 3.1, some complex changes were necessary (https://github.com/eduramiba/moodle-theme-uikit/issues/46), and for 3.2 I have not been able to check it. Actually, at the moment I would need help to maintain this theme due to a lack of resources.
  • Janice Johnson
    Per, 4 Oca 2018, 9:37 Öğleden önce
    Loved this theme, but it's not working with Moodle 3.4. Hopefully, you'll get some help for maintenance.
  • Eduardo Ramos
    Per, 4 Oca 2018, 7:41 Öğleden Sonra
    I would be happy to donate the plugin to moodle or another maintainer.
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