
Themes ::: theme_trema
Maintained by Rodrigo Mady, Michael Milette
Discover Trema, a theme for Moodle LMS boasting a modern design and useful customization options that are perfect for education institutions, all levels of government, businesses, and non-profits. Trema is more than just a theme — it's a platform enhancer. Whether you're looking to revamp a content-rich Moodle site or create a fresh learning environment, Trema's features are designed to elevate your platform. Don't settle for ordinary; choose Trema to create an engaging learning experience for your staff, business partners, and customers today.
Latest release:
3568 sites
106 fans
Current versions available: 4

The "Trema" Moodle Theme

The Trema theme is a free, responsive Moodle theme that offers a clean and modern design. One unique aspect of the Trema theme is its ability to display course information in a grid format, which can be particularly useful for sites with many courses. Additionally, it includes options for a customizable frontpage, login page, and footer. Overall, the Trema theme for Moodle aims to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for Moodle users. The main goal for this theme is to not need another site for information/advertising/marketing.

Nice features in trema: 

  • It's based on the boost theme, so it will continue to be compatible with Moodle for a long time.
  • The frontpage is fully customized. It's possible to change the image banner. You can create up to six beautiful cards with custom content and you can add custom HTML content with no restrictions.

  • We really use Bootstrap to make the theme fully responsive.

  • The footer is highly customizable and we have an exclusive admin area block that can be seen and accessed only by the site administrator.

  • Thinking a little more about the administrators we made the admin dashboard area so that they can see in real-time some data about their Moodle.

  • The colour scheme can be changed in the theme settings.

Developed and maintained by

Rodrigo Mady 
Moodle profile: 
Web profile: 

Michael Milette
Moodle profile:
Web profile:

Previous maintainer

Trevor Furtado
Moodle profile:
Web profile:


As Trema is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License it comes with NO support. So if you need some help talk to us in 'Moodle profile' in 'Developed and maintained by' above and we can discuss some improvements. To inform errors access Github Issues.


Ensure you have the version of Moodle as stated above in 'Required version of Moodle'. This is necessary as the theme relies on underlying core code. Move the folder trema to /theme/ folder from your Moodle installation. Access the Moodle Administration page (/admin) for do the necessary updates in your database.

For uninstalling trema you must change the theme. And in /theme/ remove the folder trema.

See the demo site

A demo site showing all available features of Theme Trema.
login and password: aluno01


Documentation is available in Theme Trema.


Please, donate for helping us to improve Theme Trema more and more:


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5


Rodrigo Mady (Lead maintainer)
Trevor Furtado: Previous maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Suzana de Andrade Ferreira
    Sat, 9 Nov 2019, 7:48 AM
    Hey there!
    Is there a way to not resize the small logo or choose the logo instead small logo?

  • João Cardoso
    Thu, 14 Nov 2019, 10:07 AM
    Good Evening.
    I have made a Website using this theme for the site. However, I'm having troubles with the picture that I choose to became the frontpage banner do not appear in Explorer and Safari browsers but in Mozilla and Chrome it appears.

    Any solutions?


    João Cardoso
  • Jean Clark
    Sat, 23 Nov 2019, 11:06 PM
    How to i list my courses under categories rather than just a list of all available courses? I'm going to have HUNDREDS of Courses, I need these to be categorized properly.
    I'm kinda not liking the fact that this was removed from the functionality, it really doesn't make sense
    I really like this theme, but if I am not able to list categories on the main page or any other page instead of ajust a ton of available courses that students have to spend a lot of time navigating through, then it's a waste of time for me to learn this theme.
  • ghilang rmg
    Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 11:51 AM
    Hi there! You're amazing guys.

    Trema is the one of my fav moodle theme, its simple and modern. But the message, hamburger and navbar icon disappear when i apply the trema, can you help me fix this?

    Thank you
  • Informatica Percimon
    Tue, 4 Feb 2020, 3:53 AM
    How can I add particles.js? Do not circle if it is not a logo that we have in the company that is png, please help me.
  • Trevor Furtado
    Wed, 5 Feb 2020, 4:25 AM
    Victor Santos,
    We open a simular issue in github, your problem (image) is also in cloze questions?
  • Rodrigo Mady
    Wed, 5 Feb 2020, 4:30 AM
    @Muhammad Nabeel Musharraf,
    We fixed this issue in the last release, please update your theme version.

    @Adegoke Badejo,
    The Moodle has the settings "custommenuitems" for this issue and we just improved it adding an icon for the first parameter.
    Example: fa-puzzle-piece Courses | MOODLE_URL/course

    @Luis Armando Nieves De la Hoz
    Do you want to change the image just for mobile? If the answer is yes, you can do it using media querys with CSS.
  • Rodrigo Mady
    Wed, 5 Feb 2020, 4:37 AM
    Hi @Suzana de Andrade Ferreira,

    In this moment you can do not resize the small logo just by adding CSS, please add this to your Moodle SCSS and change the value 35px according to your necessities:
    nav.navbar .logo img {
    max-height: 35px;

    Or you can change by yourself the line to call the logo instead of small logo.
  • Rodrigo Mady
    Wed, 5 Feb 2020, 4:42 AM
    Hi @João Cardoso,

    We made some tests and we didn't figure out what is your problem with cross browser. But maybe you have to update them.
    Please, can you explain better your issue in github?

    Ps.: some pictures will help us to help you.
  • Rodrigo Mady
    Wed, 5 Feb 2020, 4:50 AM
    Hi there @ghilang rmg,

    We fixed this issue in the last release.
    Can you test for us?
    And if it persist can you explain better your issue in github?

    Ps.: some pictures will help us to help you.
  • Rodrigo Mady
    Wed, 5 Feb 2020, 4:56 AM
    Hello @Informatica Percimon,

    We don't undestand what is your issue with particles. You can add particles in trema global settings or configure an image for login page.
    In MOODLE_URL/admin/settings.php?section=logos you can add the logo from your website.

    Can you explain better your issue in github?

    Ps.: some pictures will help us to help you.

    Muchas gracias
  • NAMA Coconut
    Thu, 5 Mar 2020, 2:50 AM
    hello guys,
    so grateful for your work, it's really pretty theme,
    my question is when I change the language to arabic the home page gets missy , please can you give me an idea how to fix the front page title if the language changed?
  • Sebastian Stetter
    Fri, 20 Mar 2020, 5:19 PM
    Thanks for this awesome theme!
    I had a problem, though:
    On the frontpage, in the courses summaries the course titles are not filtered and thus do not support multi-language content filtering.
    To fix this you need to edit the file:
    replace the line containing
    'title' => $course->fullname,
    'title' => format_text($course->fullname,FORMAT_HTML),

    After that, course titles are filtered and {mlang xx}My Text{mlang} tags work on the frontpage as well.
    Thanks again for this beautiful theme.
    All the best!
  • José Matias
    Sat, 4 Apr 2020, 9:19 AM
    Olá meu amigo, tudo bem? Estou passando por um problema no trema. Quando eu seleciono o formato blocos (tiles) para os cursos aparece uma caixa preta em cima do circulo que marca a atividade como concluída. É normal ou só o meu acontece? Obrigado e agradeço por disponiilizar um tema tão bom.
  • Alma Rosa Jimenez Islas
    Thu, 7 May 2020, 6:14 AM
    Genial tema, la verdad me ha fascinado mucho, hace unos dias lo implemente. Solo tengo una duda, puedo modificar la parte del pie de pagina donde dice:
    "Usted está ingresado como Administrador Usuario (Salir)
    Resumen de conservación de datos
    ©Tema Trema"

    Muchas gracias de antemano.
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