
Themes ::: theme_serenity
Maintained by It's only an avatar...Mary Evans
This theme was part of the Moodle core distribution, but for Moodle 2.7+ has been moved to Moodle Plugins
Latest release:
77 sites
10 fans
Current versions available: 1

Serenity is a fluid-width, three-column theme for Moodle 2.0. This theme is built upon both Base and Canvas, two parent themes included in the Moodle core. 

Please Note:

Serenity will work in Moodle 3.2 providing you install Base theme and Canvas theme as both of these themes are needed to enable Serenity to work.



Screenshot #0


It's only an avatar...
Mary Evans (Lead maintainer)
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  • It's only an avatar...
    Fr., 5. Aug. 2016, 04:31
    I have made it available for Moodle 3.1. You can install it via your Moodle site Admin User Interface. Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins
    And then choose the option button that says: "Install plugins from the Moodle plugins directory"
    Please let me know if you have any problems?
  • Teacher 123
    Mo., 8. Aug. 2016, 23:58
    Hi Mary,
    I just installed the Serenity theme on my 3.1 upgrade. It works perfectly. Thank you so much!!! My high school starts up in a few weeks, and I was very stressed out about my website looking like a mess after my recent 3.1 upgrade. I *really* appreciate your taking the time to help me with this issue. No one else at my high school uses Moodle; so, I am on my own (and I am not good with technology). The community here at has been a lifesaver for me. Thanks again!
  • It's only an avatar...
    Di., 9. Aug. 2016, 15:03
    The thing is about the old themes is that Base theme is still present and so is updated and as there are few settings in the older themes they work as they always did.
    Anyway, should you have any problems do please use the THEMES FORUM where I am a Moderator and there most days. lächelnd
    Here's the link
  • Gunilla Brattberg
    Mo., 22. Aug. 2016, 15:15
    I have chosen the Serenity theme but my webb site still has the Clean theme appearance although I have emptied the theme cache.
  • Abilio Cardoso
    Mi., 14. Sept. 2016, 00:37
    Thank you for this theme.

    Using this theme in Moodle 3.1.1, when the "Topic" view is selected, the "hidden.sectionname" is visible when we enter a course.
    This makes the topic title appear twice, and some teachers complained.

    We solved the problem by adding the code: " span.hidden.sectionname {display:none;} " in the theme's file "style/core.css"
    I don't know if it is a problem with our installs, but this theme does not have settings, so we could add the code to the "Custom CSS".

    Thank you.
    It would be nice for a fix to be added to the moodle plugin repository.
  • It's only an avatar...
    Mi., 14. Sept. 2016, 06:35
    @Gunilla Brattberg
    If you added the theme and it installed correctly, then you should be able to select it. Have you selected it as the Default theme?
  • It's only an avatar...
    Mi., 14. Sept. 2016, 06:39
    @Abilio Cardoso
    This behaviour is common to all the older themes. Your fix is the correct one. I will certainly think about adding a CSS Custom setting into this theme as it is one of my favourite Moodle Themes. lächelnd
  • Teacher 123
    Do., 2. Feb. 2017, 22:29
    Hi Mary,
    Can I use the Serenity theme on Moodle 3.2.1?
    I have it on my 3.1.1 now. I am using it for my classroom website. I don't want to do the upgrade if it won't work.
    Thank you!
  • It's only an avatar...
    Fr., 3. Feb. 2017, 06:41
    Hi, I have just left you a message via Moodle messenger.
    The answer is yes provided you also install Base and Canvas themes. See info at the top of this comments page.
  • Carl Thelen
    Fr., 24. März 2017, 02:32
    Hi, Mary, thanks for all your great work for Moodle!
    We are upgrading from 2.7 to 3.1, currently testing in a sandbox. Serenity, base, and Canvas are all installed (according to the Plugins Oveview) . However, when I use Serenity with the OneTopic format, there are some odd HTML artifacts above and below the topic list. I've put a screen shot here:
    Is this familiar? Is there an obvious and/or easy fix? Or, should I just let my faculty know it's what happens when they use Serenity with OneTopic? Any advice would be welcome. Cheers!
  • Gunilla Brattberg
    Mo., 18. Sept. 2017, 10:31

    Do Serenity work for Moodle 3.3? I have installed it and it appears among themes to choose but I can´t choose it although I have emptied the cache of themes.
  • It's only an avatar...
    Sa., 19. Mai 2018, 06:56
    Hi Fred, What Moodle version are you using now as the Base theme and Canvas themes have been removed in Moodle 3.3. so if you are using that version then you can add those back into to the Moodle 3.5 version, or your Provider can if they are responsible for your updates!
    It should work then so no need to panic.
  • Teacher 123
    So., 20. Mai 2018, 07:03
    Hi Mary, I am using Moodle 3.2.2+.
  • Carl Byerley
    Fr., 7. Apr. 2023, 20:16
    I am using Moodle 4.0.3 The Serenity theme is the only one I like, have been using it since 2.0 It mostly works right except for the navigation pane. it work but the menu is covered by multiple images of the arrow to expand the nav pane lables. Is this something I can have you fix. I am not a coder
  • Carl Byerley
    Fr., 7. Apr. 2023, 20:25
    you can view the error at
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