
Themes ::: theme_aardvark
Maintained by Shaun Daubney
The original 'menubar' based theme for Moodle, evolved for the modern student. NO LONGER BEING DEVELOPED
Latest release:
785 sites
300 fans
Current versions available: 7

The Aardvark project started in 2008 after a focus group with students led the development of our somewhat basic and neglected installation of Moodle into a (at the time) modern and engaging platform. The idea was to drive student use by creating a colourful, MySpace-inspired, student intranet as the front-end, with the functionality of a VLE behind it. Pressure from those students would then ultimately drive adoption by tutors.

Over the years, Aardvark has been an exciting and arguably inspiring project, started at Newbury College, but benefiting from the contributions and expertise of many other developers. It was the first open-source Moodle theme to include a drop-down navigation menu, a concept that would eventually become a core element of Moodle theme engine, and at its peak was installed on over 5,000 Moodle installations around the world.

Development of Aardvark slowed down a few years ago as many of its advantages were adopted as features in the core theme engine of Moodle and a lack of development time meant that I was no longer able to keep up with the changes required to make the theme compatible with the latest releases. Unfortunately I have had to make the decision to cease development of Aardvark to focus on other commitments.

Aardvark has been an incredible project to work on, and I have learnt a huge amount about PHP and CSS along the way and I would like to thank everyone who has contacted me over the years with their kind comments. Special thanks to Mary L Evans, Patrick Malley and all of the other contributors and supporters who have been part of this journey.


Screenshot #0


Shaun Daubney (Lead maintainer): Shaun is the main creator and maintainer of the Aardvark project and is an eLearning developer based at Newbury College.
It's only an avatar...
Mary Evans: Mary contributes a lot towards this theme and has been a great supporter of the project since its early days.
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  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月23日(週三) 00:00
    I finally tracked down the culprit - it was a height issue, but in the meantime I bodged (enhanced) a load of other things. With a good wind I should have it here tomorrow. Just a few bits to test and make sure it's ok to go live.
  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月24日(週四) 01:42
    Sorry for the delay in getting this bad boy out. It's been hectic here as I'm sure it is in all of your colleges/schools. Anyway, please find above a revamped and 2.9 compatible version of Aardvark.
  • Perry Way
    2015年09月24日(週四) 02:11
    Thanks so much Shaun! I will download and review sometime today!
  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月24日(週四) 02:19
    Thanks Perry. I've tested it briefly as far as making sure it doesn't fall over but our production site isn't on 2.9 yet so it's not been tested fully.
  • Gary Lee
    2015年09月24日(週四) 02:21
    Thanks Shaun, awesome work as usual!
    I'll throw it onto our 2.9 site this evening and report back with my findings
  • Perry Way
    2015年09月24日(週四) 02:42
    Woops, how do we resize the logo used so that it shows the size of the image rather than a fixed 50x50 pixel space? Our logo was over 200 pixels wide and now it's all scrunched down
  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月24日(週四) 17:40
    Hi Perry - I've just updated it so that it should accommodate wider logos. Sorry about that.
  • Paul Reizlein
    2015年09月28日(週一) 16:12
    The grader report does not display properly in Chrome, works in IE & Firefox. Sort in descending order & single view for task upload buttons not working.
  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月28日(週一) 16:16
    Is that specific to Aardvark or other Bootstrap themes too?
  • Paul Reizlein
    2015年09月28日(週一) 17:20
    Specific to Aardvark, clean theme works fine.
  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月28日(週一) 17:23
    Thanks Paul. I've located the issue and uploaded a fix. The issue was that img had a max-width of 100%.
  • Paul Reizlein
    2015年09月28日(週一) 18:30
    Thank you Shaun 微笑
  • marco cassisa
    2015年09月30日(週三) 04:36
    We really appreciate aardvark theme at our school and the 2.9 version is glorious! The only issue is that menu-action-text become white and thus unreadable when mouse's over because of the menu's background color (white). I also opened an issue on github
  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月30日(週三) 04:39
    Thanks Marco, that's a really nice compliment. I'll fix the menu issue in the morning.
  • Shaun Daubney
    2015年09月30日(週三) 16:44
    Hi Marco, I've had a look this morning and can't recreate your issue.
    Two things...

    - Could you please email me the URL of your site with a login (it doesn't have to be admin, just a basic one) so I can see the issue on your site to s-daubney@newbury-college.ac.uk
    - Have you checked the Aardvark settings to make sure your hover colour isn't set to white / #ffffff?
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