LTI Provider

General plugins (Local) ::: local_ltiprovider
Maintained by Juan Leyva
This is a local plugin for making Moodle a LTI provider tool. It can be use to provide access to full courses or activities from remote systems (other Moodle installations, Sakai, any LMS LTI consumer compliant)
Gavin Henrick
2012年01月30日 星期一 00:54
General comments
This is a local plugin. It enables Moodle to provide access to an activity or a full course from other systems (either Moodle 2.2+ sites using the External Tool capability, or Sakai and other LTI compliant systems which can connect to LTI tools/providers). Just to be clear on the language: The LTI Provider  is an application which provides features that other people want to and can connect to from their own LMS. The LTI Consumer is an application which can connect to the 3rd party Provider sy...
Is it simple to install? Most people will not have installed a local plugin before, however it is really just as simple as a normal mod or block. This was easy to install. I downloaded the plugin directly from the Moodle Plugins. After downloading the zip, and unzipped it there was a folder called ltiprovider. I uploaded this into the moodle/local folder of my Moodle site. When logging in as admin to the site I was prompted to upgrade to install the module. It installed and produced no errors. ...