
Themes ::: theme_elegance
Maintained by Bas Brands
Elegance is a beautiful two column Moodle theme with robust functionality and lots of custom settings.
Just wondering . . .
Derek Chirnside
shanba, 28 noyabr 2015, 6:02 PM
General comments
This is not really a review as such.  I was not sure I understood Elegance enough to be able to do justice, so it is just some thoughts looking at the Moodle 3.0 ready version of Elegance on a dev server asking the question "What theme should we use when we move to Moodle 3.0 in January?"I have posted my thoughts in the themes forum here: https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=323916I have been impressed with the threads in the Themes forum of Elegance users, Bas does a great job o...