Training Sessions

Reports ::: report_trainingsessions
Maintained by Valery Fremaux
Aggregates time use stats given by the use_stats block for elaborating high level training reports in Profesional Development environments

Training Sessions 3.4.0 (build 2017080100)

Moodle 3.4
Released: петок, 9 февруари 2018, 08:30


A structured report of use time using use_stats bloc time compliations.


  • Student individual details report :
  • Use time detailed in course structure
  • Use time in course space (outside activities)
  • Working sessions reports
  • supports CSV and XLS output (pro version for PDF and JSON formats)
  • Trainng session overview
  • Course summary report
  • Course raw and batch programming


Block moodle-block_use_stats Block moodle-auth_ticket for securing batch CURL tasks distribution.

Optional (PRO version):

For PDF generation, you will need using the VFLibs additional libraries you can get at

This will add adapted version of some core libraries.

In our case, we need a better control of the page length in TCPDF for handling automatic page breaks for long reports. This is not handled by the standard TCPDF library


Moodle < 2.7 not supprted any more. active branches: - MOODLE_27_STABLE - MOODLE_28_STABLE - MOODLE_29_STABLE - MOODLE_30_STABLE - MOODLE_31_STABLE - MOODLE_32_STABLE - MOODLE_33_STABLE - MOODLE_34_STABLE

WORKING branches are unstable and used for continuous integration automated tests.

This is the community version of the report_trainingsessions plugin A "Pro" featured version is available from our Distributors.

ActiveProLearn SAS ( Edunao SAS (

Pro version provides: - Batch parallel execution using MultiCurl - PDF renderers and generators - JSON renderers and generators - LearningTimeCheck time credits coupling - Laborable/non laborable separation

2016042900 : Adds a specific capability for batchs

2017021600 - New distribution policy

Due to the huge amount of demands for increasing reliability and accuracy of the time tracking tools in Moodle, and the huge amount of work hours that it needs, we have decided to split our publication policy keeping the main essential functions in the community version of the plugin, and deferring the most demanding, test and validation consuming, or advanced features into a "pro" version. We hope usual users of such "dual release" plugins will understand our need to stay being able to maintain and pursue provide support, innovation and code quality for Moodle, but being also supported ourself to do so. Plugin documentation provides information about feature sets and how to get "pro" versions. In our scope is also to provide simpler plugins for the usual non advanced use, and keep very fine options to people that really needs them.

Policy change will not affect the moodle version path of the plugin, data model remains unchanged, such as core bound definitions.

Pro version objectives:

  • providing essential "pro" webservices to get full external control
  • file formats exhaustivity, import, exports and document format output
  • enhanced flexibility, rare or specific options
  • payed customer integrations
  • mass performance
  • enhanced productivity

Community standard concerns:

  • core features and service
  • moodle standard compliance
  • moodle core plugin API contract
  • security implementation
  • base documentation

2017080100 - X.X.0006

  • adding grading setup control by capability
  • adding defaults to grading mode selectors

2017080100 - X.X.0007

Allow suspended students to be removed from reports with a setting.

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
3.4.0 (build 2017080100)
Стабилна верзија
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.4

    Version control information

    Version control system (VCS)
    VCS repository URL
    VCS branch

    Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Reports

    1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
    2. Download and unpack the module.
    3. Place the folder (eg "myreport") in the "report" subdirectory.
    4. Visit to finish the installation