Moodle Plugins directory: Roster |
Reports ::: report_roster
Maintained by
Charles Fulton,
Andrew Zito
This is a simple report which displays the user pictures for everyone enrolled in the given course.
Latest release:
982 sites
82 fans
Current versions available: 9
This is a simple report which displays the user pictures for everyone enrolled in the given course.
You can install it using git. In the top-level folder of your Moodle install, type the command: git clone git:// report/roster
Then visit the admin screen to allow the install to complete.
Once the plugin is installed, you can access the functionality by going to Reports > Roster within the course.
There are two options when viewing the roster. One is to toggle the "Learning mode," which turns the display of names on and off. The other is a "Printable" view, which brings up a version of the report suitable for printing.
Useful links
Charles Fulton (Lead maintainer)
Andrew Zito
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I would like to suggest an improvement to this plugin: pagination
I have a class of +30k users!
That's a great suggestion--definitely not a use case at my home institution (total enrollment is under 3K). I don't think it would be too tricky to implement either, though I can't commit to when I'd be able to do it.
May I suggest if it is possible to have an option to display how many columns and rows will be created, and an option to rearrange the students position.